4 5ft mothers for 1500 good deal or not????


Well-Known Member
im getting 4 6ft mother here in a couple hours for 1500 is this a good deal or not?? there all good strains that have never hermi from clones..


Well-Known Member
man thats a lot of dough, i can see the potential of turning round the money but the outlays fat and u still have 2 do all the growing! u can grw ya self a 5 ft mum in 3 mths and save ya 1500 for smoke in the meantime, but like i said a shit load of clones 12\12 will soon pay u bck.

plus some plants will suffer if moving environment make sure if u can that ya room is at same temp and humid etc, or at least as close as u can get it , imagine them dying on ya, bang goes 1500.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
You can order seeds and start as many mothers as you want for 10% of that sum.

I can say that it's a deal that I would avoid.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Well you must be in a med state if anyone's going to be transporting 5' tall plants around town! lol LOOKOUT!

But fer real man, I'll sell ya eight 4' moms for $1200.00. Now THAT's a deal! :rolleyes:
i wudnt expect any plant thats moved more then around inside a house to make it very well, dont get me wrong it could very well end up growing better after its moved, or it could SOO easily just die within a week or 2 of moving em


New Member
Why would a plant die because you moved it? That makes no sense, so when I move my plants from veg chamber to grow chamber should I be glad that they didnt die WTF. Anyways like other members stated thats just a bad investment that makes no financial sense. You can buy a few clones from this fellow and grow your own plant as big as you want for a fraction of the cost. Or you can order seeds!
Why would you want a five foot mother anyways thats just too damn big, now if you were planning on flowering them bitches then hell yea go for it. Those things will produce major bud if you have the right lighting and environment and judging by the fact that you consider dropping that kinda cash you got money for a fancy setup to accommodate those monsters. My two cents;)


Well-Known Member
i think he was implying that if u take the plants out of a controlled environment at say a constant 25.c and 40% humid into outdoors in the dark wen its normally light in the grow room, at a much lower temp wit shite humidity, bounce it around in the car or van for the journey then put it into the new room at another temp and humidity wit a new lighting regime, then yeah i can see the possibility of shocking the plants ... then if not happy they cud easily dteriorate. as opposed to moving ya plants from 1 room 2 another in a controlled environment,. my 2 cents :)


Well-Known Member
All you need is a clone from those mothers to start your own, if he is offering the plants themselves for 1500 wouldnt you think you could just pay 50 for a clone of each and if he will not take 50 for one clone dont do it. that same 1500 is a LOT of lighting and fans for odor. I hope you arent paying this much for some plants while growing under cfl. Spend your money more wisely, instead of thinking your going to make money from these mothers think again that if you dont do it you have just made 1500. A clone from this plant is the same dam thing as buying the mother, use your head man, If you have that much money to throw away pay pal me so I can have more shit for my daughters xmas


I wanna know why a caregiver is making one of his patients pay1500 for some moms?? thats un-heard of here in michigan or atleast from what ive heard and the compassion club meetings i go to every week! LOL SUPER that would be some funny/sad shit though watching a guy blow 1500 on some 5ft mother plants gets them home a sticks them in a room with 10 cfl bulbs. then we see a posting on here asking "do you think this is going to be enought lights i bought these 5ft mother plants of a guy and they look like SHIT now"