4-6 weeks into flower and pulled two clones


Active Member
First day of my clones being pulled pulled off a 4-6 week into flower mother. Northern Lights strain. How do you guys think of this. My first set of clones



Active Member
they look good :) what did you end up planting them in? I just took some clones from the Cotton Candy plant I just harvested lol so they had about 12 weeks of flower...
When I take late flower clones I give them 7days of 24hrs to really give them the signal to go back to veg then run 18/6!
Hope this helps


Active Member
I go them in straight water right now. Then once I seem some roots they are goin to soil and into the sun. I plane to pull 4 more. Trying several cloning ways. Two in water. Two in hormone. And two in just soil. So I'll see what works best and go from there.
I am in terested to see how you do because i am about to take clones. I would like to know when you finish wich method worked best for you. Are you just using tap water?