4 CFL Grow Aurora Indica/Jock Horror


I'm fairly new to growing, I'm using advanced nutrients 3 part solution,
Grow, Bloom, and Micro.

Temp: Lights On: 76-82
Lights Off 72-76

The Veg system is a drip system with about a 30 gallon reservoir. I also use mild General Hydroponics Diamond Nectar just as a foliar Spray.

I'm using 4 of the big 300W CFL's in veg and will move to hortilux eye red spec 400W Hps for flowering with an ebb and flow setup.

The 2 plants to the left will be my mothers and I will Veg in the same room but I guess i need to get 2 separate reservoirs to control the new veg plants and keep my mothers on a separate nute mix as well. Because the mothers will receive full nutrients solution as of now. I also have built a homemade aeroponics setup that I will use to clone. Pics will come later of this! I will keep this thread updated.

I removed the plastic from my rockwool cubes since they are sitting in a little hydroton but seems like the white salty stuff is building up on the sides, which I assume to be salt buildup because I actually used Tap water for the first few weeks of vegetation. I have sinced switched to Distilled Water because I think the tap water was causing the white build up unless it was because they were exposed and it's mildew or something, it actually taste kindy salty though, ha my friend tasted it the other day and said it was salty so I think it's salt build up, not sure.

I also think just leaving the plastic on and just sitting the cubes directly on top of the hydroton may be more practical since they will be moving into the flowering room eventually and I have heard they dry out quicker with the plastic off unless completely submersed in hydroton. advice on this?

Anyone ever experienced this before with rockwool cubes?

Also are my CFL's too close or too far or just right? They are about 9-12in away from the tops.

Any advice is much appreciated! Thanks



Well-Known Member
looks great man...very nice start. just keep an eye on them and you when you start feeding them..try to keep the plants green all the way to harvest if you can and you should be set....and also what you have is 60-85 watt cfl's not 300...dont even think they make a true 300 watt cfl...i think 125 watts is the biggest they make as it comes to cfl's.and i dont think they make bigger then either 85 or 105 watt in the spiral bulbs..not without a mogul socket..300 is just its incandescent wattage.

and ive never used rockwool cubes...just the starter plugs...the hydro guys here can probably help you better with that


Well-Known Member
Can someone please shed some light on this? It would be much appreciated!
looks to me like salt buildup i have had this on my wools before. the green is definitely algae. if you are going to have the rw exposed leave the plastic on unless you are going to fully cover with hydroton, the top covers where a great idea. i like using pots for my flood tables just easier in my eyes. but all in all plants look good grow looks good very nice keep it up.



Already have a 400W HPS Hortilux red spec! And a really nice reflector so I can't wait!! Thanks for the advice everyone!


looking good bro very green healthy looking ladies keep it up
Thanks!! Very new to this but I'm satisfied with the results so far!!! I'll keep updating, about to flower soon!! possible with a scrog net to keep a more even canopy because one plant that got fim topped has grown about 8 in taller for some reason so I'm gonna use some LST on it and try to lower it's height and get more top colas as well so well just have to wait and see! More pics soon!


Ok, my clones are 5 days old, they seem to have bounced back a lot better than they were doing the first few days although it's weird that the branches have turned a redish color! Is this normal? The leaves are still kind of sagging as well. They get 24/7 mist in the aeroponics system, I'm using only distilled water for the first 5 days then I'll switch it up to a quarter strength veg solution. I don't have a dome on them now because I haven't been able to make one yet or find one that will fit. Also how important is having the dome if I'm keeping the temperature around 80?

Any professional advice on achieving nice roots quickly? Also any advice on how to cut the stems on the clones to get better root development? I tried splitting a few down the middle like I've read in Jorge Cervantes' book, so we'll see how those turn out!

My Aurora Indica Mother is getting super tall, so I topped it to try and slow it down but it's getting insane! I may experiment and try to plant it outdoors and see if I can grow a big tree!



Have a few updates!! 6 of the clones rooted nicely and they all happened to be the ones I split down the middle! I used clonex cloning gel. So I would definitely recommend splitting your clones stems in the middle for an aeroponics grow. Sorry for the lines in the pics! I don't like disturbing the girls at "night"

I'm having a few different issues, had to move the clones out of the Veg/Mother room because temperature were just too cold! like 75 and I'm trying to keep it around 80-85° So I have since moved the baby girls to the garage with a rigged up plastic lining around them to create some humidity.

My aurora indica mother was just so tall and lanky she grew too tall for the room, may try to transplant outdoors, we'll see!

I have an emerging problem in my Flowering room, the strong plants are growing super fast and getting close to the 400W light! and they're only in the 2nd week of flowering! It does have glass covering as you can see in the picture, but it's not fully exhausted, it's just open on both ends and the AC is at the top near by it so it stays fairly cool around 78°-82°F I do have about 4 or 5 more inches I can move the light up total so that will help a little. My question is how close can I really let these buds get to the light? It's a hortilux red spectrum 400W. I put my hand up there right next to the glass and it wasn't too hot, didn't even burn at all so i'm thinking no more than 4" any thoughts??



Well-Known Member
i use to let mine touch the glass before lifting the light but mine are all fully vented so i would try to stay 4 to 6" from the tops. just use your hand and put it at the plant tops if you can hold it there for a while without feeling a burning sensation your plants will be fine.


Thanks, I got the light raised a few more inches so I think I'll be alright for the rest of flowering! I'll have more pics soon!


Ok, week 5 just started in my flowering room with the Aurora Indica, Jock Horror, and the 1 Papaya. There are only 4 plants in the flowering room now, there will be 12 soon. I have 2 sets of healthy clones I started 2 weeks apart so I can have a perpetual harvest. I also started a new mother from a clone. I've been using Clonex Gel for rooting in a homemade aeroponics system.

The only concerns I have is the possibility of having too much Co2 in the flowering room because the little ball on the valve that floats to give you your measurement won't stay up at it's lowest setting, it floats a little above it. Take a look at my leaves on the top colas, to me they seem a little curly, not sure if this is absolutely normal or if I should worry about it? Pictures online of the Aurora Indica seem to look similar so maybe it's no thing. Any thoughts would help!! Cheers



Just added a pack of Shooting Powder and some MOAB!! Now I have to be patience and watch the buds swell! Any thoughts on how much I may get out of these 4 plants dry?


The Jock is putting on some weight but the Aurora Indica is super dense!!! A little longer to go on the Jock, Monday will be 8 weeks but the pistols are all still white, however the aurora is maturing a lot faster and hopefully I'll be able to harvest within the next week!!!



Has anyone ever grown Jock Horror? Looks like it's gonna be harvesting in week 9 for full potency, just wanted to get some input from any other growers that have grown this strain.
how tall where the plants in flower room before u put them in the flower room from the veg room? how any weeks u had in the veg room? how tall are they now?