Active Member
Looking GREAT man! love the pics +rep (Cancel that ive done gave it to you too much man) Ill still give you mental +rep tho!!! ha
my seeds should be here today... I think I'm going to do one each of 4 different strains, so that I can make an informed decision on which strain I want to do a seed run with and put a decent amount of effort into.
among the candidates are;
Himalayan Blue Diesel
Purple Jems
(and pretty much all the rest of the "short stuff" autos)
anything you wanted to see specifically?
Looking GREAT man! love the pics +rep (Cancel that ive done gave it to you too much man) Ill still give you mental +rep tho!!! ha
damn thats fucked up you didn't get the Barneys freebies.. I got both my orders with the freebies twice. I believe we ordered around the same time. my paki ryders took an extra week to get to me because of that volcano.hey I started my grow journal... It's in the link in my sig.
super disappointed that the short stuff mix pack came with 20 unlabeled seeds. I asked them if each strain was labeled and they said they were, so I got 2 packs of them... I'm going to have a really hard time using these without knowing what each one is.
what are the other strains that you have?
I ended up getting some freebie femm'd EZryders and some femm'd Afghan Kushryders with my order from attitude... They didn't give me my barneys freebies though, and they only gave me 4 UFOs when I spent over $500. Fucking gay on their part. I emailed them about it and am waiting for a response, so we'll see what they do about it.
dunno bout the ezryders, but the afgan kush ryders have been known to not autoflower. same with the G13labs quicksilver.. they don't autoflower either and I'm pissed cuz I ordered it thinking they were autos. oh well.and as far as I know, the EZr and the AKr fems are the seeds that are having the most problems with genetics.
I'm talking about before the 420 offer.. i ordered 2 orders on 4/10 and again on 4/11.. 410 came in 10 days the 411 took almost 16 daysDear Attitude Customers
Over the 420 Promotion we were overwhelmed by your support, .....thank you.
Due to the large volume of orders we ran out of the awesome promotional seeds on a small amount of orders, For which we apologise. We underestimated the popularity of this 420 promo with all our loyal customers. However these have been subsituted with other Great Free Offers. Dont Panic You Wont be dissapointed. Every customer has been looked after.
We would also like to mention that the Free Mug and T shirts will be shipped seperate to any seed order. So your mug and T shirt will arrive in a seperate parcel, everyone that ordered will get their Mugs and T shirts sent to them.
We hope you had a great 420 and as we did.
Many thanks for your loyal support
The Attitude Team
Ya they sent this to everyone...
I personally would be pissed off, i did four orders, and got four sets of freebies, they were all what they listed, I also ordered a half hour after the promo started that day. which was 5:30 in the morning. Eastern. I have never seen sour 60 on their site, and they just started carrying big low. Im glad they started carrying Next Generation seeds now. Attitude is usually good for their word, but they are getting more popular, I was wondering when this would start to happen with their promos. Sorry if I was greedy with my orders, but I wanted those freebies, and I didnt have to pay shit, other people did. So 4x pineapple chunk, vanilla kush, and Flower Power.really??? DAMMIT, why those 2 strains!!!! why you say that??? have there been complaints about them???
the other strains are Russian Rocket Fuel, Sour60 and Masterlow a.k.a. Blue Streak...I think?? AND HERE IS WHAT THE TUDE' IS SAYING:
Dear Attitude Customers
Over the 420 Promotion we were overwhelmed by your support, .....thank you.
Due to the large volume of orders we ran out of the awesome promotional seeds on a small amount of orders, For which we apologise. We underestimated the popularity of this 420 promo with all our loyal customers. However these have been subsituted with other Great Free Offers. Dont Panic You Wont be dissapointed. Every customer has been looked after.
We would also like to mention that the Free Mug and T shirts will be shipped seperate to any seed order. So your mug and T shirt will arrive in a seperate parcel, everyone that ordered will get their Mugs and T shirts sent to them.
We hope you had a great 420 and as we did.
Many thanks for your loyal support
The Attitude Team
you will probably will see this in your e-mail too.....
did you put the male flowers in the bag, or just the pollen??..if it got too humid its gone but if not you should be fine..put a lil on the pistils of the
female and if they die back and the calex fattens it should be good.