4 Harvest deep, question?!

Sunny Dee

I keep my plant count around 8. for me thats comfortable.

having said that. i have 2 ballast, 400w, 600w.

i have a veg tent, and a flower tent. i veg 4 girls, flower 4 girls.

4 grows deep now, i notice clones aren't producing like they were with from seed.

biggest question is..

should i just flower 8 autos under a 600w and 400w HPS lighting for a total of 1000w/8plants?

do you think i would yield more every 70-80 days going 8 AF instead of 4 photo period plants? obviously i will go for the heavy yielding AF strains

Im leaning towards 8 autos.. anyone else wanna chime in??

i have harvested afhkan kush with an avg yield of 58g/plant. thay was my first grow and i did a vertical bulb. which isnt the most efficient.

any thoughts?
i have a veg tent, and a flower tent. i veg 4 girls, flower 4 girls.

4 grows deep now, i notice clones aren't producing like they were with from seed.
So your saying that you take clones from clones from clones? In my mind, your taking 4 clones from the vegged plants right when they go into flower, perpetually with no set mother plant?
OK... What i'm inclined to say might need some help from more experienced horticulturists but here goes.
I'm assuming your seeds or initial clones came from feminized seeds, If that assumption is correct, the very first generation feminized seed was thrown in a process called hermaphroditic breeding. That is, the making of feminized seeds. Feminized seeds though mostly female, are highly unstable. The farther you get into it, ie 3rd, 4th generation etc the more and more you open your plants to that instability. Its also likely that, along the way, you've cloned off of a weaker plant and slowly degraded the strain generation after generation..
all of this is moot though, as some people, me included, have cloned from clones 10-15 generations from seed and had zero loss of potency. But then again, I don't flower feminized seeds, and my initial clone was taken from the best pheno in a 100 plant seed test.
Cheers bro
Just realized I gave you zero advice... Sorry man. ok, Firstly, I'd say yes you should try AF's just for the experience and to find your niche. As the infomercial says.. "individual results may very."

Sunny Dee

no bro. u defiantly opened my eyes. i did not realize this. if im gonna clone im better off keeping amother or like what u did starting from reg seeds and find a good pheno and keep her going.. very smart and great work brother!

i also thought of another alternative

im gonna try a critical jack - dinafem from seed. 8 of them. do a quick 2,3 week veg, throw em into flowering and see the results.. then try the same with autos and do a test in days what my best result was. obviously this is gonna take some time. but i think its worth it to see.

im also going to try 4 with coco and 4 with bio terra plus organic soil. see if there is much of a difference. bio terra is def a cheaper alternative. about 45$ per 3 plants. so 8 plants its over a 100 difference. soo.. will see if the yield is worth that 100$ difference. hoping it will be the same yield and good stuff to work with. time will tell.

plus 8 plants, starting from bricks of coco is also very time consuming. it was time consuming with just 3 or 4 plants.