
"The international financiers are behind all war. They are what is called the International Jew -- German Jews, French Jews, English Jews, American Jews. I believe that in all these countries except our own the Jewish financier is supreme... Here, the Jew is a threat." - Henry Ford

"I regard Henry Ford as my inspiration," - Adolph Hitler

Just sayin' folks, just sayin'.
You are correct. But Hitler did a whole lot of good for his country. Before he tried to take the world over. Obama also has a bunch of the same policies that the National socialist party did. The Nazi


Active Member
You are correct. But Hitler did a whole lot of good for his country. Before he tried to take the world over. Obama also has a bunch of the same policies that the National socialist party did. The Nazi
Yep the NAZIs gave us Organic food! All is forgiven. lol



Yep the NAZIs gave us Organic food! All is forgiven. lol

They also gave us the blueprint for the interstate highway system, the rocket,tv broadcasting, the atom bomb, got us to the moon and radar. Hitler was a piece of crap. But we owe our freedom to the many German scientist we brought here after Berlin fell. Check for yourself.


Well-Known Member
I watched the video..virtually every bill was amended to improve patient rights. So..instaed of Timmahh's 'the sky is falling", the system actually worked like it is supposed to. The bills simply clarify the law..not uneccissarily further restrict it. I don't know how anyonecan have an issue with the bills voted on today..They were extemely fair.
This may be true but you do understand that
1- If they open the law it is open and many OTHER changes will be coming.
2- What they started with was way out of control and would make us ALL criminals (yes including you bob) but had it not been for people FIGHTING this that those things would not have been changed to what it is now.
3- Did you notice one of the reasons for finally getting the panel up and running to add qualifying conditions was to also see about taking some out ( that may one day include your condition being taken out bob)?
Who am I kidding look who I am talking to. There are other things like putting on the books restrictions to transporting mmj which are not necessary and only tighten the noose on patients and caregivers. They did put in about transporting plants but you can see in the language that you better be the ONLY one in the car with the plants or you WILL be in violation.


Active Member
They also gave us the blueprint for the interstate highway system, the rocket,tv broadcasting, the atom bomb, got us to the moon and radar. Hitler was a piece of crap. But we owe our freedom to the many German scientist we brought here after Berlin fell. Check for yourself.
Don't forget the passion for social engineering and the takeover of Columbia by the NAZI social planning intelligentsia. In 1936 the President of Columbia University sent a delegate to take part in anniversary celebrations at the Nazi-controlled University of Heidelberg. He did so even though the university had already fired all of its Jewish instructors, implemented a curriculum based on Nazi ideology, and even was host to a mass book-burning. When an American student let a peaceful rally at Columbia against the actions of the school, he was expelled.

After the war many former NAZI planners and thinkers relocated to Columbia (and other) American Universities to continue their social engineering. You must remember at the time, the social engineering of the NAZIs was admired by the progressives and many mainstream politicians. We did not go to war with the NAZIs over their social platform. People seem to forget this, that just as the Civil War was not about slavery, the social platform of the NAZIs was immaterial to the war.

You are correct that the progressives in America welcomed the former NAZI intelligentsia with open arms as they shared many common goals, such as sterilization of minorities and strong centralized planning and control. Yes this philosophy infected our education system and we are now reaping the fruits of the German Socialist Movement.

Maybe check out


Don't forget the passion for social engineering and the takeover of Columbia by the NAZI social planning intelligentsia. In 1936 the President of Columbia University sent a delegate to take part in anniversary celebrations at the Nazi-controlled University of Heidelberg. He did so even though the university had already fired all of its Jewish instructors, implemented a curriculum based on Nazi ideology, and even was host to a mass book-burning. When an American student let a peaceful rally at Columbia against the actions of the school, he was expelled.After the war many former NAZI planners and thinkers relocated to Columbia (and other) American Universities to continue their social engineering. You must remember at the time, the social engineering of the NAZIs was admired by the progressives and many mainstream politicians. We did not go to war with the NAZIs over their social platform. People seem to forget this, that just as the Civil War was not about slavery, the social platform of the NAZIs was immaterial to the war.You are correct that the progressives in America welcomed the former NAZI intelligentsia with open arms as they shared many common goals, such as sterilization of minorities and strong centralized planning and control. Yes this philosophy infected our education system and we are now reaping the fruits of the German Socialist Movement. Maybe check out
Ok so yes we bolth know what they are really up to. I also know that the Jewish people are Gods people and they will be with us forever. Look at their history truly a people that have lived with the threat of extermination throughout all of recorded history. And if you look at the civilizations who tried only one is still around.


Active Member
Ok so yes we bolth know what they are really up to. I also know that the Jewish people are Gods people and they will be with us forever. Look at their history truly a people that have lived with the threat of extermination throughout all of recorded history. And if you look at the civilizations who tried only one is still around.

All people are God's people so long as they choose to be. And God gave us a plant. This plant is under attack by politicians.

So, lets all help God protect his plant!


Well-Known Member
There is no such thing as "god". Just like there isn't santa clause, or the easter bunny.

Just thought I'd clear that up. :-)

bob harris

Well-Known Member
This may be true but you do understand that
1- If they open the law it is open and many OTHER changes will be coming.
2- What they started with was way out of control and would make us ALL criminals (yes including you bob) but had it not been for people FIGHTING this that those things would not have been changed to what it is now.
3- Did you notice one of the reasons for finally getting the panel up and running to add qualifying conditions was to also see about taking some out ( that may one day include your condition being taken out bob)?
Who am I kidding look who I am talking to. There are other things like putting on the books restrictions to transporting mmj which are not necessary and only tighten the noose on patients and caregivers. They did put in about transporting plants but you can see in the language that you better be the ONLY one in the car with the plants or you WILL be in violation.

C'mon on really?

1 Open the law: WTF you talking about? the law is enacted. Once a law is enacted, no matter on what, it is permanently "open" for amendments. You have no point here at all..only show an ignorance to how the system works.

2.Your wrong. at least by your actions. You were not fighting to get the bills right, you were fighting to totally block them. I was the one saying..hey..lets worry about getting them right...but now that the people thinking like me, got the bills wording corrected, you want the credit. MINDS LIKE YOURS AND TIMMAHH"S ARE OUR BIGGEST PROBLEM.

3.Yes, I can read, they also talked about broadening other areas. I'm not too concerned with them taking away my condition...but I'd be worried if my hangnail and $200 is what my cert is based on.

But Id do see your point. everything is about tightening the noose on patients and caregivers....at least the ones in it for the money, wanna be a drug dealer types. Real patients, Real caregivers? No problems..they won't be inconvenienced much at all.

So all the things you are clinging to and taking credit for, you either don't understand..or were opposed to..until people thinking like me fought the right battle, and simply improved the wording, while endorsing the bills.

It's called compromise. Bills are going to be passed for the next 50 years on med laws...you can fruitlessly scream "block them"..or do something productive and help shape them.

Sorry about the transporting plants thin..you ungrateful fk..next time we'll try and get "may transport plants in Party Van with all friends and aquantences..in vehicle medicating allowed for this joyus event. You can't even say thanks when something is given to you..you still have to say "yea,but don't have anyone in the car with you' you are a total dolt.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Love it. But cannabis is the tree of knowledge. It is what got us kicked out of edean. Er however its spelled.

That's not quite right. Cannabis is biblical, but not the forbidden fruit. It's actually referred to as one of the ingredients in the 'mud" That Jesus smeared upon people to cure them..Simpson oil if you will. tons references in the bible, all of which indicate that it was not the forbidden fruit, rather placed here to be freely used.

But that's a whole different argument.


Well-Known Member
C'mon on really?

1 Open the law: WTF you talking about? the law is enacted. Once a law is enacted, no matter on what, it is permanently "open" for amendments. You have no point here at all..only show an ignorance to how the system works.

2.Your wrong. at least by your actions. You were not fighting to get the bills right, you were fighting to totally block them. I was the one saying..hey..lets worry about getting them right...but now that the people thinking like me, got the bills wording corrected, you want the credit. MINDS LIKE YOURS AND TIMMAHH"S ARE OUR BIGGEST PROBLEM.

3.Yes, I can read, they also talked about broadening other areas. I'm not too concerned with them taking away my condition...but I'd be worried if my hangnail and $200 is what my cert is based on.

But Id do see your point. everything is about tightening the noose on patients and caregivers....at least the ones in it for the money, wanna be a drug dealer types. Real patients, Real caregivers? No problems..they won't be inconvenienced much at all.

So all the things you are clinging to and taking credit for, you either don't understand..or were opposed to..until people thinking like me fought the right battle, and simply improved the wording, while endorsing the bills.

It's called compromise. Bills are going to be passed for the next 50 years on med laws...you can fruitlessly scream "block them"..or do something productive and help shape them.

Sorry about the transporting plants thin..you ungrateful fk..next time we'll try and get "may transport plants in Party Van with all friends and aquantences..in vehicle medicating allowed for this joyus event. You can't even say thanks when something is given to you..you still have to say "yea,but don't have anyone in the car with you' you are a total dolt.
You are a joke. And you want to call me an ungrateful fuck? Some of us have conditions so bad that we do no drive. Now what fuckhead. Ohh I forgot that doesnt affect you so it is alright. You do not know shit about what I did and did not do. I do not care to take any credit for anything that was done in the house except that I fought my heart out to PROTECT patients and caregivers. What exactly was it that you did bob? What did you do to help shape these bills? Anything at all but talk on the internet about how every patient and caregiver that has had trouble with this law was illegal? See you take everything and use it like law enforcement would. Example- I am an ungrateful fuck because according to you i just want to drive around in a party van. Not that I am worrying about peoples situations or conditions but that I want a party van for my plants where we can all smoke up. You are not who you say you are and most can see it.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
You are a joke. And you want to call me an ungrateful fuck? Some of us have conditions so bad that we do no drive. Now what fuckhead. Ohh I forgot that doesnt affect you so it is alright. You do not know shit about what I did and did not do. I do not care to take any credit for anything that was done in the house except that I fought my heart out to PROTECT patients and caregivers. What exactly was it that you did bob? What did you do to help shape these bills? Anything at all but talk on the internet about how every patient and caregiver that has had trouble with this law was illegal? See you take everything and use it like law enforcement would. Example- I am an ungrateful fuck because according to you i just want to drive around in a party van. Not that I am worrying about peoples situations or conditions but that I want a party van for my plants where we can all smoke up. You are not who you say you are and most can see it.
Your an ungrateful fk..because you were given something you wanted (the abilty to transport plants) and you couldn't even say thanks...just but I have to drive alone...you complained when given something..that's pretty much the definition of ungrateful

What do people that can't drive have to do with anything? Why should the law treat them any differently, than people who can?

I know that your opinion on her was "block these bills at all cost' along with Timmahh..so I imagine you put great effort into blocking the bills.

My message,from the start, was don't try to block them. Try to shape them...and that's where my efforts were. I was encouraging people to call and say 'hey..overall, these are good, but would you consider adding this? Here is why I think it's important. And that is what I have been doing, calling and writing sensible letters hoping to influence the way the bills are implemented. And Guess what? Along with many others who approached thing my way, we were able to make significant and important changes to the bills.....by the way, you are welcome.

So, what is it you did..oh yeah puet your effort in blocking the bills...