4 inch Tube Aero with Chiller

Whats the root zone temp if u know?... any draw backs from this design? sorry if these questions were already asked.... i dont know how to read.
earl- new guy here who found your aero plans. seriously, thanks for putting this out there. I've scoured the net high and low for a decent set of plans and i'm well on my way to covering the entire thread. I had a couple of questions for you if you don't mind:

-first of all, i'm looking to build this a little bigger. i was thinking maybe 4-6 tubes, 6 openings for net pots, perhaps 6" net pots. would you say i need at least an 8" diameter section of pipe? if you have any tips or recommendations for these dimensions, i'd really appreciate it.

-so the verdict is definitely a 'NAY' for any misting? i found a few of these and was wondering if anyone thinks they're worth a shot-

-opposed to using 1 reservoir per 2 sections of pipe, would it be out of the question to use, say, a 90g reservoir with 1 large pressure rated (external) pump moving the water to 6 tubes?

also, for those looking for used chillers, try reefcentral.com or reef2reef.com and peruse the used drygoods section; also try craigslist for people selling their salt water reeftank setups.
If you can't find a chiller you can afford, you can use a window a/c unit and duct it into your rez. you will need a thermostat to control the temp.