4 Months down the drain...not to mention the power bill....

wow sorry for the loss .. but as most guys have said .. we all learn from our mistakes and most dont make the same ones twice lol .. but still bro .. been there and know how it feels
sorry to hear about your experiance mate !!

something similer happened to me to, with spider mites when i first started years back , as others have said its about been on top of every aspect and havein a clean controlled space !!

and also growin within your limites as in lights and plant numbers !! iv seen alot of people growin with 2 or even 3 more lights than there space can handle witch leads to heat problems and in turn mold problems !!

another tip, a low humidity hydro option, is just simpley rockwool in a bucket with no run off or anything and plastic sheetin on the top all a sealed unit, witch will drop humitidy massivly only prob is hand waterin and not not over watering ................. thats how i grow personaly !!

hope your next run is better matey :(
Good luck on the next crop. I might suggest that you wash your next batch of clones with some soapy water. When I get clones from anybody , I spray them for a few days with a soapy water solution. mites don't like soap. I started doing this and I have not had one mite in four straight harvest now.
Fuck dirt. Hydro is a learning experience. One of my plants actually was in dirt, still lost it. My first grow put out some amazing buds, just not a lot of them. I will start from scratch and learn from this...peace out.


So if you decided you didn't want to start from scratch, what would you do seeing as they are all fucking dead anyway?

Good luck with your learning experiance, hopefully you learn something.
if you decide to clean your area use shaving cream on walls its just a highly consetrated soap mop with vinager or add little to your steam clean if you got carpets
if you decide to clean your area use shaving cream on walls its just a highly consetrated soap mop with vinager or add little to your steam clean if you got carpets

is that right jimmy jay, shaving cream, probably more expensive then a bottle of soap though
having issues with mites too. only in veg still tho. thank god. i use rasta bobs death mite. so far it has been working have to spray again tonight tho.
having issues with mites too. only in veg still tho. thank god. i use rasta bobs death mite. so far it has been working have to spray again tonight tho.

get them bugs pal they will fuck your shit up to no end
best thing is to prevent them to begin with so you dont be needing shitty poisons
Neem is good, neem your moms and your clones in veg

I had the effing spider mites 2 weeks before harvest. They had their effing tents and everything. I used a product called Mighty Wash, soaked the plants from underneath. Mites went away, did not return, no mildew (I keep a fan blowing on them 24/7 anyway) I harvested last Saturday. I had my doubts about MW but it worked.
2 weeks before harvest? Your buds coulda maybe survived but I do know the bastards move quick and really not ideal.
I prefer to chop early.
Is that stuff not toxic?
sorry to here bout your failure and if you decide do what i do even tho i got no mites i neem oil my plants once a week no matter what once my room is empty i shop vac my floor then use bleach i and hand wash everything i leave floor litterally soaked in bleach light reflectors you name it everything in the room gets wiped
once i am done i run fans exhaust fans for like 6 hrs then i make up a batch of neem oil spray complete room all over floor and all

also a good note is when you get clones from a outside source quarntine them for a week or 2 and treat for bugs before ever moving them into your sterilized room
keep pets friends everyone out hell i know of people that have a change room before enterin there grow space they use autobody painters suits you know the white space suit thats a grand idea
Guess you gotta learn from your mistakes and get that money back with an awesome second try!

After reading this I'm visiting my room with lots of rubbing alcohol and getting to cleaning, extra clean.
2 weeks before harvest? Your buds coulda maybe survived but I do know the bastards move quick and really not ideal.
I prefer to chop early.
Is that stuff not toxic?

No, it is non-toxic. You could drink it if you wanted, according to the manufacturer.
Coloradoan here...we started with DWC hydro and still are using that method. We had spider mites too and NOTHING I tried worked, even floramite which is very expensive.
Read on a board that No Pest Strips will work...and VOILA haven't had any bug problem since. Save the flaming over use of something with "chemicals." It has saved us from ruination here. 2 old fart medical patients just fighting the good fight :-)
Mtn Mama
Save the flaming over use of something with "chemicals."
right on ! I grew up on a family farm where flies were a big problem. We had one hanging in our kitchen every year in the summer, where we ate all our meals. No one in our large family ever had any health complaints nor have they to date.
(BTW they were called Shell Vapona Strips back then)
right on ! I grew up on a family farm where flies were a big problem. We had one hanging in our kitchen every year in the summer, where we ate all our meals. No one in our large family ever had any health complaints nor have they to date.
(BTW they were called Shell Vapona Strips back then)

Yes I remember them from the 70's they were called "SHELL NO PEST STRIPS" where i lived. I going to Home Depot today, $6 is cheap insurance.
Did you try Neem oil for both the mites and the mildew? Its always worked for me and everyone i've ever seen who used it properly.