4 new strains any advice appreciated.....

so first I am not new to growing and am not looking for any basics but I like trying to find out as much as I can when I start new strains, the ones I have going now are an auto skunk from sweet seeds, a dna genetics la woman, a dna genetics chocolope kush, and g13 haze from barneys, if you have grown any of these strains and have some tips that helped you or problems you saw to watch out for I would greatly appreciate it, I will post pics when they r a little older as the r just week old seedlings now and those look the same as all other seedlings lol.......thanx in advance :blsmoke:
ok so the auto skunk, the g13haze, the carmelo and the chocolope kush (replacement for the la woman which didnt germ) all seeded and are 2 " after 4 days eccept for the auto which is on its 4th set of leaves after 8 days, all are health but the carmelo looks slightly stretched even though they were all under the same light HPS 150watt, i heard that the carmelo and the g13haze are both notorious for stretching and being nute hungry does anyone know if this is true?


Well-Known Member
good luck on your grow!
I have not grown these strains, but have a couple of the seeds, so I look forward to your progress!


Well-Known Member
holy shit, your 8 day plant in a monster compared to my 10 day old stick looking plants. lookin good. just seen your under 150hps, im still under T8 6500k bulbs.


Well-Known Member
I have sbout 15 carmelos going. Stretching isnt a issue yet and they are near a month old and only a foot tall.
i use about 3" of MG in the bottom and then my own soil mix i got from a friend whos an ols hippie, i can put it up if ya want, I will be posting more pics prob later today or this weekend and rhey have doubled in size and are doing great. I use a 150 to do the seedlings for 2 weeks then switch to a 400 and the 150,for veg, here are some pics of my last WW grow, the nutes I use ar General Organics grow kits, it works great and has everything i need,I also slip in some pwderd chicken guano dried and crushed every-other feeding

