4 New Things

My belly button is naturally pierced. So is my schlong.

I'm a top despite what everyone thinks.

Im flat fucking broke and I couldn't give a shit.

I like to go to ever higher places and pee over the edge.
We would be awesome friends and then I would/will dall over laughing my ass off unfortunately I would get caught a lot as I would laugh to haRd and fall while trying to run
Damn. Houston we have uh-oes! That sounds painful. I got pushed out of a pickup that was exting an on-ramp once and needed like 20 stiches. I got pushed by some fiend that thought I took her pills. Crazy twat. Last I heard that cunt is doing 20 years for manslaughter...
as she should be... thats the type of shit manslaughterers do

yea i didnt pay attention to shit when i was younger. funny thing is the one that caused the most damage and pain was the fn golf cart
Ty...buddy.........I dont know whether to laugh or cry
I have a lot of mixed feelings about you, dummy. But, if you are honest like this...
I think your stock just went up a little bit

lol why??? im a fucking nerd no one likes the piano anymore lol except old people and fallout boy fans

and the dogs??? i give them like the nasty meat lol they love it though

the whole divorce thing i guess is kinda sad but i probably shouldn't have posted kinda a buzz kill lol

and the whole feelings thing just makes me look even more like a pussy hahahaha i was raised to put others before myself tho
lol why??? im a fucking nerd no one likes the piano anymore lol except old people and fallout boy fans

and the dogs??? i give them like the nasty meat lol they love it though

the whole divorce thing i guess is kinda sad but i probably shouldn't have posted kinda a buzz kill lol

and the whole feelings thing just makes me look even more like a pussy hahahaha i was raised to put others before myself tho

Dood- I love hearing people play piano. I'm so fucking suck of synthesized garbage from keyboards I could puke.

About 655 rare, 1k plus total. I can't help it. I am afflicted. Arranged by brutality (can't get into it here). I use them to make mix tapes for my friends.The making of a great compilation tape, like breaking up, is hard to do and takes ages longer than it might seem. You gotta kick off with a killer, to grab attention. Then you got to take it up a notch, but you don't wanna blow your wad, so then you got to cool it off a notch. There are a lot of rules. Anyway... I've started to make a tape... in my head... for my bestie. Full of stuff he likes. Full of stuff that make him happy. For the first time I can sort of see how that is done.
hhaha thats whats up. I've been collecting for like 6 years I guess. Got a fair amount of hippie 60s garage rock stuff from a dead Aunt a few years back but I collect a lot of ambient stuff from the 90s as well as some records I pick up at local shows.
as she should be... thats the type of shit manslaughterers do

yea i didnt pay attention to shit when i was younger. funny thing is the one that caused the most damage and pain was the fn golf cart

fuck i was in a golf cart one time and i was going down this steep ass going like 75 mph the golf cart was falling apart literally the shit was not built for anything above like 5mph lol

i saw a huge ass log and i turned really sharply rolled down the side of a fucking mountain

i only broke my growth plate tho i was lucky good thing i was 6 foot when i was 15 cuz i couldn't grow anymore taller after that cuz of the growth plate and shit

the shitty thing was they only gave me weak ass lortabs with only 5mg of Vicodin
Tell me 4 things about yourself that I don't already know.

Ok, I'll go first:

I have more than one misspelled tattoo.

I can chug 40oz of beer in 3 gulps. (I don't have a gag reflex)

I have a huge, growing collection of rare vinyl.

I can't fall asleep without a pillow over the top of my head, and my feet sticking out of the blankets.

Now you go...

1. I can flex my tongue.

2. Once I went to a Vegas Strip club with 3 men I just met. I made them pinky-swear to me "No Rape" first...so I could guarantee my safety...

3. I quit smoking cigarettes January 1st, 2015. I really miss cigarettes.

4. Sometimes I get so sad I can't talk to anyone, hence my periodic absence.

hhaha thats whats up. I've been collecting for like 6 years I guess. Got a fair amount of hippie 60s garage rock stuff from a dead Aunt a few years back but I collect a lot of ambient stuff from the 90s as well as some records I pick up at local shows.
YESS! garage surf rock is probs half my collection at least. that and a huge collection punk rock shit that no one besides @racerboy71 @Steve French @heckler73 have heard of. its an obsession
1. I can flex my tongue.

2. Once I went to a Vegas Strip club with 3 men I just met. I made them pinky-swear to me "No Rape" first...so I could guarantee my safety...

3. I quit smoking cigarettes January 1st, 2015. I really miss cigarettes.

4. Sometimes I get so sad I can't talk to anyone, hence my periodic absence.

<3 <3 <3 <3 !!!!!!!!!

omfgz welcome back!!!!
YESS! garage surf rock is probs half my collection at least. that and a huge collection punk rock shit that no one besides @racerboy71 @Steve French @heckler73 have heard of. its an obsession
LOL I know too much about the obsession! Nothing to do on a saturday night? Fuck it I am driving down to the local record store. Go to a show at a a bar and I like the opener, I'll be damned if I am not over at their merch table buying their 7 inch. There are worst things I could be spending my money on! haha