4 New Things

Passable pistol shot

Half-ass fisherman

Driving home from day at the beach, high on Sopors. Crashed my brand new 79 Grand Prix into a guardrail and posts. Totaled the car but I thought I just had a flat tire when the car wouldn’t move any more. Since State trooper (Sgt) didn’t smell booze and I didn’t get hurt. Told him an I swerved to miss an animal. No citation. He knew I was fucked up. Lucky.

No tattoos
I am going to be a granny again in August this year.
I would have loved to have been a paramedic.
I have a sister who lives around the corner from me, who hasn't spoken to me for six years.
When I insured my sons car for him I lied about how many points he had on his licience to get him a cheaper quote :oops:
@bu$hleaguer for an easy birth just remeber.start working the pus by stretching her out if you can fist her then Your golden fpr a easy stress/problem free birth and the doc will fix the damage for free ;).

Anyways my blanket is bullet proof if a bad guy comes I hide under it.

I am a father of 1 In a terrible custody battle I am losing everything because of it. I can no longer afford bills so I had to sell my truck and use my dad's truck. To keep afloat. My last grow was awful due to.all the problems with court.

I am fixing to get married.
I don't smoke or drink anything

My life completely sucks at this point
If you can't afford bills, I'd be glad to give you some of mine............