4 plant Hempy bucket.48sq.ft. Now 3kW HPS! 4/6/8wk Veg.

There's an old original thread on here about how to make/use them that I used as my base reference. Think I just looked up Hempy in the search.
Found the thread on Hempy for anyone interested.
SW1 Day #8

Went ahead and took the net down for the next few days. Got the pleasure of literally watching her stand upright over about 2 min. Was pretty cool.
So, I like to think I "listen" to my plants like most of you I'm sure, and I try to make appropriate adjustments along the way. Well, when I saw this...
***edit. By "this" I mean the fact that I had just watched her stand up tall and proud and it seemed obvious to me she was trying to "drop" the "dead weight" fan leaves by her casting them down towards the ground as the rest of her rose up. That's what I see. Probably just smoked too much, but whatever works right?***

All I could hear was loud screaming of "Get these f@cking fan leaves off me now. I'm in flower damnit."
So I obliged. I hadn't planned to defoliate as much this go round, but I did about the same on my last grow and it turned out ok so I'm not to worried. Here she is after the trim...

Current height

Light is 76k Lux @ canopy. For those of you wondering why I defoliate, or whether you should or not here's my reason for doing so...

Notice placement of light meter...
And I betcha in a couple weeks I'll be very happy I "had" those open areas.

And if anyone was worried about good ol' zip tie...
***Edit. Forgot to mention I also did a little lollipoping on larf areas and removed any small branches that would never reach canopy height.***

SW2 Day #1
Here we go!
Unless there is some large difference in growth/growing method, I will only be updating SW2-5 with pictures.

Measurements will be kept to SW1 to keep things simple.
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Oh yeah,
Forgot about the Veggies
I realized I'm a dumbass (shocker), and figured out the issue I thought was a "too dry" situation for the clone turned out to be the opposite. She was waaaay too damp. I figured it out by not seeing an improvement in her droopy/wilted/wrinkly looking leaves after 2 days back in the nursery @ 80F 80RH. I gently grabbed her @ her base and pulled upwards about 1/4 inch. That was enough distance for me to see the perlite on top raise in a mound showing she had already laid down a root bed and no longer needed the high humidity.

She has been out now for almost 2 days, and the top leaves are just now starting to straighten back up. She also has a bit of tip burning, so I gave her a little ph'd tap water to smooth things out.

The best way I can describe too wet vs. too dry is, if the leaf looks like your fingers did when you were 8 and in the bathtub and DO Not "crunch" in your hand when squeezed, you're too wet. They "can" look the same, but if you do get a "crunch" then you'll know you're too dry.
I'm sure there's a better method but that has worked for me so far.
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I figured since I was still awake having spent most of the night plumbing both tent exhausts into the house air return, I would take advantage and snap a picture of SW1 before I try to pass out.

All of my pictures are normally taken within the first hour of the lights coming on so she's normally still a little crusty eyed.
So here she is post-defoliation with about 9hrs of hps working on her.
Insomnia won out again so I
So, for the first time ever, I finally have all 3kW up and running.

I thought I noticed a power surge yesterday! LOL. You’re putting out some serious heat....what’s your trick? Are you able to vent outside?

I had to actually cut a wall and vent out of my bedroom. (My wife was not thrilled....haha). No option for outdoors here.
I thought I noticed a power surge yesterday! LOL. You’re putting out some serious heat....what’s your trick? Are you able to vent outside?

I had to actually cut a wall and vent out of my bedroom. (My wife was not thrilled....haha). No option for outdoors here.
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Luckily I'm in the basement and the ceiling is open so I just went straight into a return duct. Not too difficult. But I am finding out that running the 3kW puts air temp @ 81-82F in flower tent. So still a few degrees hotter than I'd like.
Got the high temp in the flower tent taken care of. All it took was completely rearranging my entire grow room....
Update post on the girls here in a bit
Worn t.f. out so short and sweet. Everything's looking good and chugging along.


SW1 Day #9

SW2 Day #2

And the veg tent
Think the clone is starting to wake up.
SW1 Day 10

SW2 Day 3

Veg tent.

I put in a few measurements because I know I have trouble telling scale in pictures from time to time.
Forgot to mention I topped the clone last night.***
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