4 plant scrog, vegging with 4ft 8 tube T5 and 600w hps for flower

she'l smoke

Hey people this is my 1st scrog and 1st thread, im doing pineaple chunk, green poison and 2 white ice. I started out vegin with a 125w and 2 30w clfs which done great until the growth reached the screen and and wanted somthing to cover the rest of the screen quickly so i went for the T5. Temps are ok iv had problems with temps in the past with where the grow room is with harsh winters in the uk and unpredictable summers but its staying fairly consistant this time.

The screen is about 2.5ft by 3.5 ft
Biobizz grow, bloom, topmax ect.
screen is 10'' above soil

Dont tend 2 keep track of dates but i think the plants are 2 months in veg, my worrys so far is that they seem to be takin ages to fill up the screen, growth just seems slowww even tho their getting plenty of light. The nutes could have been subjected to very cold or hot conditions maybe thats the problem? Iv ben adding more than 1ml per liter of bio grow and some of my mates worm casting run off every water, ph is ok. The leaves are a slightly light green. Ok here are some pics, sory bout the mess, any help would be greatly apreciated cheers!


she'l smoke

I feel so stupid for overlooking that they just needed loadz more water! The reason was because when under the cfls they only needed water like every week an a half and i just totaly overlooked that the new climate requiers watering everyday now. Thaught i was overwatering by only giving it every 4 days but relise now its the more the beter because of the fans and low humidity. But they are perking up now and now an im getting more vigorous growth, so il take more in a week when they have totaly recovered.

Got 6 bigbang2 germing at the mo so they can go under the screen after this harvest, was suposed to get 5 bidbud but the customer service fella rang to say they wer all out so he said for no extra fee hel throw in 5 bigbang which are 8quid each and bugbud is 5quid so i told him thats ok as long as he gives me 6 lol so its sweet.

I totaly split one of my best branches at the node and dont want to loose it but dont want to clone it ether. its stil sort of attatched to the stem and im trying to keep the split as close together as i can. Tryd using a drop of clonex on the injury maybe that will help to heal it.. i hope anyway so we'l see how it goes.

Has anyone had experience with bigbang 2?