4 plants in 1 pot...should i seperate?

Hey everybody. First time grower here. I have 4 plants growing in 1 large flowering pot. Right now I really can't tell which ones are male and which ones are female yet, but i know that eventually i'll have to seperate them. They've been growing outdoors for almost 3 and a half weeks now and they're all at least 5 inches tall. So I guess all i need to know is, should i continue to let them grow together until i find out whats what or should i put them in their own pots now???


Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
those need to be separated now, before the roots tangle too much, in the future, 1 seed per pot bro, and when you separate them, they may have some serious shock...
well i dont know much about it but i have seen alot of people say u should have it one pot per plant, only thing is those plants roots might be tangled together making it impossible to separate them heh i made the same mistake i had my plants growing in the same pot, one died so now i have 2 foot tall plants in the one pot ( 4 gallons) and they seem to be doing fine

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Plants can grow together like that, but most likely will be stunted and short because they will fight for nutrients and water, when you separate, try as hard as possible to not to damage many roots, but dont think that if you damaged roots, it is dead, id say separate, transplant into more soil, and then see what happens, plants can lose a considerable amount of roots and bounce back.


Well-Known Member
youd probly get away with leavin it and just chop the males as soon as they show ..... cause like evry1 said theyll be shocked...



Active Member
I did the same thing you did i have about 6 plants into one pot but space them out enough when planted that i could seprate them your best bet is to dig alot of dirt around leaving dirt for the others as well and cut the roots some of mine tangled and i did that and i have 2 now becuase of stealth reason....and even though i did cut some of the roots there doing good.


Active Member
I've got three plants in one pot just like you do because it's my first grow and I only had one light and one pot available to start. Mine are each a foot and a half and fine the other one is a month younger and still growing 3 blade leaves. I worry a lot too but I figure by the time I transplant them I would just waste time next time I'm using a separate pot for each one.


Well-Known Member
Toss in a HUGE pot and pull the main stalks away from the center.

The myth of *only* one per pot is over blown.
Biggest prob is root bound (hence the HUGE pot) and having an orgy (males and females)

Soma uses beds (a huge pot?)

Let it roll. Kill the weakest and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. They'll start fighting for nutrients. Best to separate them, especially before they flower.
What do you mean fight for nutes? Its not a dead carccus that a few hyenas are trying to pick at. If they want more food, give them more food. Its diluted in the water, its not a single chunk that only one plant can have/get.


Active Member
What do you mean fight for nutes? Its not a dead carccus that a few hyenas are trying to pick at. If they want more food, give them more food. Its diluted in the water, its not a single chunk that only one plant can have/get.
True that, in hydro multiple plants don't "fight" when you do the flooding.


Well-Known Member
The only problems you would encounter that I can think of by having multiple plants in one pot is A. Not enough space for all of their roots. B. Root entanglement prohibiting root growth. C. If you fuck up once all 3 plants are in jeopardy.


I am nub to MMJ growing but my experience growing other things has taught me this:

If you are going to separate these ones, do it ASAP and don't wait for a better argument to come along since every day that passes will make it harder to do. If you think it is too late to do this, or maybe you only have one pot, I say let them all go for now and just clip the stalks of the males once you can determine gender.


Active Member
I have had luck by wetting them down and then
take a long thin bread cutting knife and make vertical
slices in the pot to seperate. have your new pots and
medium ready. then give a few days of indirect light to
help reduce stress


Active Member
i have 3 grand daddy purp sprouts in one pot, i plan on transfering to a paint bucket later ..is the plants really going to miss out on alot of growth or is all this just prefrence?

if so i guess i will move them