4 Strain monster grow!


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics of the girls in their new spot in my bathroom/closet. :-) Things are a little tight but overall they fit well and I am thinking the change from such a big space to a small space is going make things much bigger in the end. Temps don't appear to be as big of an issue as I anticipated either, seems like they are right where they need to be. The only major down side to having them there is they will be a pain in the ass to water due to having to either set them in the shower 1-2 at a time or them them all outside(not far just a hassle either way). Also managed to get some nice close up pics of each plant with the light on, will get some better ones in the next comple of days with the lights off. Getting to the point when I can easily tell each strain from one another just by sight. :-)

Enjoy :joint:



Well-Known Member
Well I am about halfway through this grow and things are looking GREAT!!! I really cannot wait for the Critical Kush to get done, it's just coated with trics and smells so sweet. Seems like they are really liking being inside as well, I can tell a big difference just in the week they have been in.

However there is something weird going on with my White Berry. Her buds have been nice and compact up until the past few days the very top of the buds have began to stretch. I have it narrowed down to two causes; One being the last time I watered them I gave a fairly large dose of grow big(un intentionally...), but only the WB has been affected. Number two is the fact that my light is quite a bit further away now than it was outside(due to the heat I am now dealing with). I am thinking there is plenty enough light in there for her so I am kind of doubtful on number 2 and leaning more towards the first option. What do you guys think? Not majorly concerned over it and am cutting the grow big out of their diet for the remainder of the grow, I figure they should have plenty of N built up to last them until then.

Another feeding or two with the Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom then I will start flushing these girls out! Lots of pics tonight!

Enjoy everyone!



Well-Known Member
Not a whole lot to report right now. Girls are doing as they should be and are begining to fill out nicely :shock: It does appear that the JW is going to take a couple more weeks than the other 3. Not totally surprised as it seems I have gotten a more sativa dominate pheno. Only bad thing about this is I am moving on the 1st and am not sure yet if I am going to have a place for my girls when I do. Hoping that if need be my uncle will loan me a little of his grow space to finish these ladies up.

Enjoy :joint:



Well-Known Member
Not a whole lot to report right now. Girls are doing as they should be and are begining to fill out nicely :shock: It does appear that the JW is going to take a couple more weeks than the other 3. Not totally surprised as it seems I have gotten a more sativa dominate pheno. Only bad thing about this is I am moving on the 1st and am not sure yet if I am going to have a place for my girls when I do. Hoping that if need be my uncle will loan me a little of his grow space to finish these ladies up.

Enjoy :joint:
Man your plants are looking hella dank. Keep up the good work.:leaf:

sheik yerbouti

Active Member
looking good! What nutrient program are you on? You obviously know what your doing as your plants are happy and healthy, no necrosis from too little N at all. Beautiful plants.

How is the critical Kush performing compared to the others? I just started a run with critical mass, they are about 2 weeks from transpant into the veg room under HID and are absolutely going for it, growing as much in height as my Silver Kush but they are about as wide as tall already with all the branching. Loving it. Would love to try the Critical kush, get the growth and yield of the critical and the smoke of the Kush.


Well-Known Member
looking good! What nutrient program are you on? You obviously know what your doing as your plants are happy and healthy, no necrosis from too little N at all. Beautiful plants.

How is the critical Kush performing compared to the others? I just started a run with critical mass, they are about 2 weeks from transpant into the veg room under HID and are absolutely going for it, growing as much in height as my Silver Kush but they are about as wide as tall already with all the branching. Loving it. Would love to try the Critical kush, get the growth and yield of the critical and the smoke of the Kush.

I am using the fox farms line of nutrients(grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom) based on their feeding chart. Yes they are all looking beautiful by far some of the prettiest plants i have had the pleasure of flowering. I am loving the critical kush (critical mass x og13 cross) for both its smell and the vigour of bud growth, however i did manage to burn her a little bit with the last feeding gave her a nice flush today. The WB, CK and PB are beginning to lean from the extreme amount of weight they have put on in the last week, kind of hard to believe they still have 2-3 weeks to go(with the exception of the JW which looks like it has closer to 4 maybe 5 more weeks to go).


Damn man you are exactly one day ahead of me with your grow, today is day 45 for you 44 for me. Looks like we'll both be harvesting around the same time. That PB is looking lovely, I've never heard of that strain before. I keep hearing that most purple strains aren't really all that great of course I've never had any either. I was looking on herbies site the other day checking out Reserva Privada purple OG #18, I think it said "unlike other purple strains this one actually gets you high". I was really thinking of trying that out so what do you think about the purple strains? Also how is that White Berry? Good luck with the grow everything looks awesome. I'm along for the ride.


Well-Known Member
Damn man you are exactly one day ahead of me with your grow, today is day 45 for you 44 for me. Looks like we'll both be harvesting around the same time. That PB is looking lovely, I've never heard of that strain before. I keep hearing that most purple strains aren't really all that great of course I've never had any either. I was looking on herbies site the other day checking out Reserva Privada purple OG #18, I think it said "unlike other purple strains this one actually gets you high". I was really thinking of trying that out so what do you think about the purple strains? Also how is that White Berry? Good luck with the grow everything looks awesome. I'm along for the ride.
I love the pit bull, doesn't seem to fully turn purple just the leaves. Been trying to get the buds to turn as well but not working. I think that growing a purple strain is just like any other plant, all in how you grow it. :-). The white berry is one of my favorites been growing it for awhile now, this pheno however has grown way different from others i had in the past and I'm loving it! May end up having to cut em all down early though on account on me moving the 31st and not being able to find a place for both the girls and myself.


Well-Known Member
Well girls have been fed for probably the last time tonight, depending on how they look by next weekend I may give them another light dose of "Big Bloom." Aside from that things are looking great aside from a little bit a burning/yellowing from their previous feeding(a MASSIVE dose of both 'Big Bloom and "Tiger Bloom") which they all seem to be enjoying quite well actually. They are all starting to swell so nicely the WB is looking especially pretty!!!! The down side(i guess if thats what you would call it) is that in lollie popping these girls they are becoming VERY top heavy and I have to be extremely careful when moving them around as the entire top layer of roots try to come up otherwise. Hoping that I may have secured a temporary place for these girls to go next week when I move which is a big relief as I was NOT looking forward to having to wack them early, will find out more sometime this week otherwise it's back to plan b.....

Enjoy everyone!:joint:



Well-Known Member
Well girls have been fed for probably the last time tonight, depending on how they look by next weekend I may give them another light dose of "Big Bloom." Aside from that things are looking great aside from a little bit a burning/yellowing from their previous feeding(a MASSIVE dose of both 'Big Bloom and "Tiger Bloom") which they all seem to be enjoying quite well actually. They are all starting to swell so nicely the WB is looking especially pretty!!!! The down side(i guess if thats what you would call it) is that in lollie popping these girls they are becoming VERY top heavy and I have to be extremely careful when moving them around as the entire top layer of roots try to come up otherwise. Hoping that I may have secured a temporary place for these girls to go next week when I move which is a big relief as I was NOT looking forward to having to wack them early, will find out more sometime this week otherwise it's back to plan b.....

Enjoy everyone!:joint:
Nice plants you got rocking along there MJG420.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Stopped at the smoke shop tonight on my way home from work and this is what I walked out with :grin::grin::grin:


Any guesses as to what I paid?


Well-Known Member
GRRRRRR!!!!!!! So I pulled out the girls today to look at the trics and oh boy did I get a surprise!!!! BALLS ON MY CRITICAL KUSH!!!! I don't believe it but as far as I can tell it was just one little branchand they didn't appear to have opened yet. I looked her over REAL well and don't see anymore and set her back under the light with the rest. Anyone with experience with this issue have any suggestions as this is my FIRST hermi encounter in 10 years! Really hoping that it was just the plant being over stressed and not due to being a hermi prone strain. I did however save the "balls" I did get and promptly put them in the freezer for future use on a seed project I intend to start someday soon.