4 Strains...4 Me...and maybe to set the market...


Active Member
Well everyone, hello there in cyberworld!!! I've never really posted on these sorts of things before, but I figured...hey there's never been a better time in my life to start than now soooo, yeah. Afterall, it is the start of long season (Yes, I'm in the northern hemisphere) and I've already got some eye candy with a lot more on the way. So I'll begin this with a bang.

I've been a grower for over a decade, 100% outdoor until I finally stumbled upon the lucky chance of finally being able to take it indoors. I'm so excited, I'm almost giddy. I feel like a ten year old girl in KB toy store, and I can't wait to share the experience with you all. I have a couple badass strains to start with which all seem to be pretty new so I hope I can draw some interest, and hell no lying, I hope I can draw a crowd and become a "almost famous" or infamous...whichever suits me best.

To start, I was a lucky recipient of a clone of Afgooey about 7 weeks ago. Unfortunately it came straight from the lab under 24/7 light and I had nowhere to put her other than out behind the house. She streched and went straight into flower at 4" but has become lovely never-the-less. I also have an adolescent presexed-fem "Da Purps" pictured here that is smelling ridiculous. I plan to ho her out an take cuttings shortly.

I hope to get my hands on another Afgooey, and there is a slim chance I might :?:, but she is a lovely strain...oooohhh I can't begin to tell you. The pics I have here have been shot on numerous cameras with differing quality, but they'll all be coming from my sony cybershot from here on out so I hope to provide you all with the best eye candy ever in the coming months. I've hardened off the nearly done Afgooey with Gravity Flower Hardener from Humboldt County and I gotta swear by it because she's doubled in size since.

I've also got a whole lotta love coming in the way of 30 beans of 4 different strains..."The Black" from BCBD (18), "Red Diesel" from Barneys (5), "Gigabud Feminized" from BCBD (1), and supposed "Da Purps" from a friend...but I can't confirm that, maybe some of you spectators will help me confirm it over the coming weeks. To date 18 have popped in less than 2 days...and Im hoping for more!

I have an amazing setup being built right now and will detail most of it here...please don't ask for a reiteration...:eyesmoke: But I'll be getting pics of the grow room here in a few days as it's not quite completely ready. But here's the specs...

12 x 12 flower room with 9 4'x 2' trays, 3 Res's, 3 1000W HPS, 1 400W MH for Mothers, 1 T5 for VEG and 2 4' Floros for clones. Veging and mothering will be done in a 4 x 10 adjoinging bathroom.

For air movement I have a 22000 BTU indoor ac with a super duty 8" inline Duct exhaust fan rated at 769 CFM with top of the line carbon scrub filter. Multiple fans, and a clean air intake from another room.

I'll be nuting with General Hydroponics Flora Series nutes and finishing with the Gravity Flower Hardener. This will all be done with timed ebb & flow and will include CO2 injection. I'm planing for a super SCROG (3.5 footers) of 72 plants every two months for atleast a 9lb / 2 month cycle. Stay with me people....:joint:...I look forward to posting some more, but for now enjoy the eye candy...I'm two weeks away... OH, I almost forgot...I got three Thai Supper Skunks from BCBD popping in soil as well outdoors, I'll be detailing those too for those of you who might be interested.




Active Member
OK, Well I thought I'd drop some plans I sketched up to hopefully pique some interest. I'm heading to my grow spot later today to do some steralizing and to drop off more equipment. I'll drop some pre-construction shots and then get you some before and after setup comparisons. :idea:

Peace everyone...



Active Member
Well, I can see that everyone is just sooo interested in my thread with all the replies I've been getting. :?

Well a bunch of stuff's been going on here. I've been kicking but getting my room all set up but have yet to really complete everything. I spent the most of the day sterilizing the floor and walls and calking all the cracks. I really got it nice and air tight. No pics on the room yet but those are coming soon. I promise. As for my beans, I've had some good success. I've got about 6 blacks already popping but due to the lack of light, they started to stretch and I had to put them outside. This was a big bummer because now who knows what kind of creepy crawlers I'll be introducing to my sterile environment once I make the big move. But oh well, it was a must and I guess I'll just have to improvise.

Also, I seem to be having an issue with the tap roots...they keep trying to come up out of the hole. I dont really know what to do about this. I've added some braces to the funky growing ones and am trying to keep everything strong and safe. Is adding a brace this early detrimental to stem development? Will it keep them from growing strong on their own? Any advice would be appreciated.

My "Purps" mother is coming along great! She looks really strong and has responded to the topping quite well. I'll be taking clones tomorrow and will start getting that process going.

My nearly finished afgooey is just gleaming so beautifully in her LST brillance. I'm thinking another 4 or 5 days before I chop her down. I gotta do some triche inspecting here shortly to see if it's time.

So anyone want to take a stab at confirming if my lady truly is a "Da Purps" strain as I was told?

I hope you like the pics...soooo frosty



Active Member
So here's some crappy pics I took with my phone of the room pre-setup. (I wish the electrician would get his shiet in gear!) I'll take some more photo's with my real camera tomorrow. Cross reference with the plans I posted earlier...How's those drying closets. Can't wait to get the wiring done so that I can get everything constructed!

As for my babies...I almost got wiped out yesterday. A slug got in my tray and ate half my seedlings :evil:. I only lost the Gigabud which I'm not so pissed about. From what I've been reading here, that strain was complete garbage anyway so I'll cut my loses. It was weird, the slug ate three of my "the blacks", skipped over the red diesels and ate the one and only gigabud I had. What a picky eater huh? Luckily I caught him before he finished his feast and I gave him a nice slow death by salt. It was great.

I've since remedied the situation and shouldn't be having any more problems with that...

For any one who may have subscribed...stay tuned. I should be taking off here in a few days! Feel free to drop a line anyone!!! kiss-assThis is my first journal and I'm not feeling the love...

Peace :peace:



Active Member
Its cool duud you have a sweet grow going so far less posts just means you are having less problems with your plants Keep your grow on!


Active Member
Nice, thanks for the reply! I am hitting some hurdles though, I think my mother has gone into flower. She's starting to throw up a lot of calyxes at all her nodes. Hopefully I can get her under the MH right away before it becomes a bitch to kick her back to VEG. I look forward to getting everyone's help because I'm new to the hydro game and am starting off with a big bang. Hopefully I can pull it all off.