4 Strains - Hoping to get first harvest ever

I originally had this grow recorded in the autoflower section, but it seems more appropriate here since I'll be updating it like a very excited noob would.

I've had two grows in the past, but was never able to make a harvest so I'm really looking forward to succeeding with this grow.

Three DP Think Different, 1 Veneno, 1 Super Lemon Haze, and 1 Cheese Under a 1000w mh in a 4x8 white greenhouse tent. The mh is being cooled by a large tripod fan for now, until an expected vent fan arrives in the mail. Temps: 75-85 F Humidity: 35-55%
Fox Farm Ocean Forest & Light Warrior in a 2:1 ; 5 gal buckets w/ apprx 4 gal of soil. 95 gal of Sub's Super Soil ready to use for flower:blsmoke:

Here are pics of the TD's and Veneno at 3 weeks (seems they should be larger)
10 (2).JPG10 (3).JPG10 (4).JPG10 (5).JPG
2 reflector.JPG
Is this three weeks from germ, or did you count that week? Looks to me like in the feeding schedules (Fox Farm), the germ and first week are not counted as week 1 and 2... Are you feeding yet? These look pretty good actually if you counted the germ/seedling weeks that they are on target to be big and beautiful... We always want size but I bet the roots are looking good which is what these babies do right now, build root... so On with the grow... :eyesmoke:
This is three weeks from the transplant into soil. Germination in a rapid rooter took about two days. Not feeding them anything but r.o. water.
Thanks loadeddragon.

I just added a 400w into the tent, along with a 747cfm fan, pulling air from above the tent and through both reflectors. Temp stays around 77-82 with lights on. 65-66 when off.
Here are the TD's at day 38TD 1 38.JPGTD 2 38 (2).JPGTD 2 38 (3).JPGTD 2 38 (4).JPGTD 2 38.JPGTD 3 38 (2).JPGTD 3 38 (3).JPGTD 3 38.JPG

SLH 38.JPGVeneno38.JPG
These pics are from day 52 for the Think Differents and the Veneno. The Super Lemon Haze is 34 days here, and the Cheese is 32.

The TD's are getting pretty large, with no 3 having the most developed buds so far.

I have the four largest plants beneath the 1000w, which is about 2 ft above the tops of the tallest plants, and I think 4 ft above the shortest plant, Veneno. The temperature kept getting pretty hot until I raised the 1000w higher, which I hope is okay, since I've got 1400w in a 4x8.

TD 3 (2).JPGTD 3 (3).JPGTD 3 (6).JPGTD 3.JPG
TD 2 (3).JPGTD 2 (7).JPGTD 2.JPG
TD 1 (3).JPGTD 1 (4).JPGTD 1.JPG
Cheese (2).JPGCheese (5).JPGCheese.JPG
Veneno.JPGVeneno (2).JPG
The oldest girls at day 58 td 1 (2).JPGtd 1 (5).JPGtd 1 (6).JPGtd 2 (11).JPGtd 2 (12).JPGtd 2 (13).JPGtd 2 (14).JPGtd 2 (15).JPGtd 2 (16).JPGtd 3 (7).JPGtd 3 (8).JPGtd 3 (9).JPGtd 3 (10).JPGtd 3 (11).JPGveneno (3).JPGveneno (4).JPGveneno (5).JPGveneno (6).JPGveneno (7).JPG

I'm curious about how much the TD's will yield. No 2 looks and feels the heaviest 8-)

I was having problems keeping the temperature in the tent below 85F for a while, so I put the beginning of the duct line outside the back of the tent near the floor to pull cool air from a close by floor vent, which cooled things down a bit.
I also have a tendency to adjust the lights since I can't find a perfect level for the whole canopies. I'm sticking with the tallest tops 1.5-2ft away from the 1000w and the shortest plants about 2ft away from the 400w for now. DSCN1721.JPGDSCN1722.JPGDSCN1725.JPGDSCN1727.JPGDSCN1728.JPGDSCN1729.JPG
Welllll, it looks like it's getting close to harvest for No 3.
I snapped these of her in the garden today (Day 72) TD3 72 (2).JPGTD3 72 (3).JPGTD3 72 (4).JPGTD3 72 (5).JPGTD3 72 (6).JPGTD3 72 (7).JPGTD3 72 (8).JPGTD3 72.JPG

No 2 is following right behind 3 (Day 72). TD2 72 (2).JPGTD2 72 (3).JPGTD2 72.JPG

No 1. She's putting on weight verryyyyy slowly (Day 72) TD1 72 (2).JPGTD1 72 (3).JPGTD1 72.JPG

Veneno: she's been vegging 72 days! Holy crap. Can't wait to flower this babe. (It would REALLY suck if she somehow turned out to be a male) Veneno 72 (2).JPGVeneno 72 (3).JPGVeneno 72 (4).JPGVeneno 72 (5).JPGVeneno 72 (6).JPGVeneno 72.JPG

Cheese is at day 53. I think she's an autoflower because I see pistils on her top growth, but I noticed pistils almost two weeks ago and she isn't developing bud since then o_O
Doesn't this strain go from seed to harvest in 70 days? What's the deal here? Cheese.JPGCheese 53 (2).JPGCheese 53 (3).JPGCheese 53 (4).JPGCheese 53 (5).JPGCheese 53 (6).JPG

Super Lemon Haze; I need some help with (helping) her. Her leaf corners and tips are changing color and drying out. She's in a 2:1 ffof and light warrior mix and she's 55 days here.
If anybody recognizes her deficiency or knows what this problem is it would be awesome to get some feedback on her. slh.JPGslh 55 (2).JPGslh 55 (3).JPGslh 55 (4).JPGslh 55 (5).JPGslh 55 (6).JPGslh 55 (7).JPGslh 55 (8).JPGslh 55 (9).JPGslh 55 (10).JPGslh 55 (11).JPGslh 55 (12).JPGslh 55 (13).JPGslh 55.JPG
Veneno; she's about 91 days here: DSCN2166.JPGDSCN2169.JPGDSCN2170.JPGDSCN2171.JPG

Cheese day 76: she's had pistils that haven't been developing since day 35, and she just keeps on getting bigger. DSCN2172.JPGDSCN2173.JPGDSCN2174.JPGDSCN2176.JPGDSCN2177.JPGDSCN2178.JPGDSCN2179.JPGDSCN2180.JPG

Think Different #1; 91 daysDSCN2162.JPGDSCN2164.JPGDSCN2165.JPG

Think Different #5; day 56DSCN2183.JPGDSCN2184.JPGDSCN2185.JPG

Think Different #4; day 57. She wasn't looking too hot this morning DSCN2199.JPGDSCN2200.JPG

Think Different #2; she's still showing some thick calyxes, but some nice looking buds too DSCN2192.JPGDSCN2193.JPGDSCN2194.JPGDSCN2198.JPG

Think Different #3; day 95 here. Her calyxes are just about 100% "receded" Trichs are pretty much all cloudy, haven't noticed amber. I think she deserves one more day at the most DSCN2201.JPGDSCN2202.JPGDSCN2203.JPGDSCN2204.JPGDSCN2205.JPGDSCN2206.JPGDSCN2207.JPGDSCN2208.JPGDSCN2209.JPGDSCN2210.JPGDSCN2211.JPG

Super Lemon Haze day 75:DSCN2167.JPGDSCN2168.JPG

