4 week old youngster suffering, help please.....

I just thought of something with the help of some great advice... because my plant it is outside I was informed that the problem based on symptoms may be bugs.... I also believe that because the only watered area in my desert backyard is my plant, the bugs may be even more attracted to the moisture.
I also was educated that the container that I use is getting heated up by direct sunlight which is in essence steaming the roots of the plant.
Although I didn't mention it, here in the desert here we get a bit of wind,....

So What I am going to try is using a adjustable stacked box system where I can adjust the direct light to the plant and also control the amount of wind.
In addition I am going to boil down some cilantro / red pepper water spray to deter the pesky bugs.....

I hope this works. I want to be sure that the plant can get as much real sunlight, augment with led grow lights as a secondary filler to keep the plant in a vegetative state.... The levels can be adjusted for plant height and wind speed through the vents...

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here is a pic of the gnats... seems that the problem may be fungus gnats compounded with my over watering..... So im testing a ACV bait trap.... with some potato peels for larvae identification... I am also angling the pot today and trying to dry out the top 1-1/2 inch of soil. After that this evening I am going to "wash" the soil with hydro peroxide water mix to kill larvae if found.....
gnats are really more of a nuisance than a real problem, unless you have a very bad infestation. the problem isn't the gnats themselves, but the larvae eating your roots. are there a lot of gnats?
i'm not sure i'd use h2o2 for gnat larvae. i guess it would work, but so would letting your soil dry out good once, then letting the top two inches get good and dry between waterings
i'm not sure i'd use h2o2 for gnat larvae. i guess it would work, but so would letting your soil dry out good once, then letting the top two inches get good and dry between waterings
I suppose I would need to do that, but will the plant be fine if I let it go from soggy soil to fully dried?
yeah. not on a regular basis, but it'll kill the gnat larvae, and won't hurt the plant as long as you don't let it stay that way more than a day. after that make sure at least the top two inches of the soil dry out between waterings and the gnats won't be able to lay eggs in it.
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here is a pic of the gnats... seems that the problem may be fungus gnats compounded with my over watering..... So im testing a ACV bait trap.... with some potato peels for larvae identification... I am also angling the pot today and trying to dry out the top 1-1/2 inch of soil. After that this evening I am going to "wash" the soil with hydro peroxide water mix to kill larvae if found.....
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So, skipped the Hydro wash and went with the advice to let the soil dry out completely. Removed the pan under the plants container, and added a fan in open space to help dry out the surface soil quickly...

i wouldn't have the fan blowing directly on the pot, your plant might get a little windburn. have it blow against the back wall and the backwash will be enough to help with drying the soil out without stressing your plant more.
and remember, thats a young plant, they can bounce back and become big shrubs, just have patience.
I believe its safe to use water hot enough to kill the larvae but not too hot to harm the plant. I've only used this technique on well established plants, I don't know if its safe for younger plants.
So, skipped the Hydro wash and went with the advice to let the soil dry out completely. Removed the pan under the plants container, and added a fan in open space to help dry out the surface soil quickly...

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Well here is a photo as of this evening after I brought her in... Due to a mixed light the true colors are not being shown.... She is still bold green except for the brown spotting. The lower leaves are drying out as did the missing leafs (with regrowth).

Spent the day in the warm sunlight with its pot shaded....Drilled new drain holes in the side of the pot, and added an 1 1/2 inches of dry medium to deter gnats. No watering....
