4 week veg final pot size 7L or 11L? (Compost)

Hey guys i'm leaving bottled nutes and trying a homemade supersoil compost mix with worm teas for the first time.

Last grow (mix of photos and autos) I vegged 3 photos for 8 weeks finished in 11L got about 1oz per plant.

This time Im doing 6 photoperiods.

I want to veg for only 4 weeks potting up just once to final container from starter.

My options are:

3L starting - 7L finals (round pots)
3.5L starting - 11L finals (square pots)

My weird tent size is 90x50x160cm (don't judge him)

The pots touch the sides on the width which im sure is fine, but the round ones i can spin around easily whereas i would have trouble with the big square ones.

With 4 week veg would I need a 11L pot for flower? or would 7L be enough?

Lights are 2x QB132 Quantum Boards 140w

I have been getting 1g/w but aiming for 2g/w if possible or 1.5-2oz per plant.

Any advice would be much appreciated!

Thanks :)
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I’m confused. Nothing new of course.
Last time you did 3 photos vegged for 8 weeks and got an ounce per plant?
You want to run 6 plants vegging 4 weeks in a 90 x 50 tent?
I would be focusing on why it took 8 weeks to veg a 90x50 tent.
You have plenty of light so it must be something else hold things back.
With an 8 week veg and a good net, a one plant Scrog would rock that tent.
IMO for that size tent with a 4 week veg, max 3 plants. 11L pots.
Hey Merlin thanks for the reply!

Yea last grow was a mix of 3 photos and 4 autos. Im guessing its because I kept the photos in 3.5L pots for 2 months before transplanting to the 11L for flower they became root bound?

It was my first go with photos and didn't realise you cant veg that long in a pot that size, so ill take it as a lesson i guess lol.

I have got 6 strains id really like to run, I was hoping with a 4 weeks veg in the 3.5L pots then switching to the 11L id get the same size plants as last time and be able to fit them all in. Or if I could go a bit smaller with the pots 3L to 7L?

Unfortunately I don't have time for a SCROG

Would this be classed as a SOG?

Thanks again
Do you have good control of temperature and humidity? I guess if you really want to do 6 in there so not quite 1 sq foot per plant I’d go with the 7L finished size. My thinking would be to grow them out to 5 nodes and then pinch them back to the 3rd node or possibly 4th node aiming for 4-6 colas per plant. The first node branches never do anything worthwhile so I get rid of them early. Let them recover for a week then flip.
Yea temp and humidity are good I never have a problem with them luckily. And yea 30x25cm per plant cant be that bad! lol, not sure if i should let them all tangle or create a 6 grid from string. If i went with the 11L i wouldn't be able to rotate them but would i really need to?

I am leaning towards the 7L so i can rotate them easily and have more air flow down below, but worried i might yield less so still not decided yet.

And yea I will be removing any branches or popcorn buds that are not getting any light.

I never rotate my plants. With six different strains it’s going to get interesting in there. Post pics when you get going.
Yea last grow with 3 photos in 11L's and 4 autos in 5.7L's it got a bit crowded lol but i think its do-able. There's only one way to find out! lol will deffo be posting pics as it goes!
I had to run these all again because of a light timer malfunction (it was over 10 years old)

On the second run which I just finished all went perfect space wasn't really an issue, didn't take any photos unfortunately.

Interestingly I ending up vegging 1 plant for 4 weeks and the others for 5 weeks
One of the seeds didn't pop so had to plant a fresh one, it got 4 weeks veg instead of 5 like the others.
Surprisingly it turned out to be the biggest plant.

So I don't think 4 weeks vs 5 weeks makes a difference to yield, maybe it depends on the strain?

Also the 11L square pots fitted after some modifying (had to hacksaw off the lips on the pots and the saucers)
Also I have a small fan blowing fresh air between all the pots for ventilation to the roots. I think thats important if you have pots close together.