4 Weeks and they look bad 1st timer in need of help (PICS)

Kyle Keen Green

Active Member
Ok, So I switched to a full 18hours on HPS (600), I was using the sun for 10hours then the hps for 8hours each day and since the switch my plants have gone all wierd. The bottom leaves are turning yellow and drying up, the top leaves are twisting, very thin, feel dry and are curling around the bulb is a good 14" away and the temps are stable (72-75). I feed once a week and water every other day. PH7, New growth under the canopy look dark green and the outer leaves look light green.

Can someone help me get these babies healthy so I can put them into flower.

Im in bio-bizz soil with added perlite and john innes no2.

Growth has slowed and leaves are looking unhealthy.

I let soil get almost dry before watering again.

Sorry about pics using poor camera


Kyle Keen Green

Active Member
You can't tell by the pics but there are also small scorch marks on some of the leaves like a burn? is this due to heat? I've done the hand test for a min and wasn't hot for me?

Kyle Keen Green

Active Member
To 1ltr water, All the bottom leaves are or have fallen off the ones you get at 1st with 3 leaves and the new growth that comes with more tri-leaves are all going yellow and falling off! I Have tried upping the nutes that adds to the deformations happening and the plants never look any better. One has always been a very bright green and this one almost looks like it could all turn yellow. Tried watering more often and got the claw, so went back to every other day. Its hard work lol.


Well-Known Member
Exactly what I use and I'm having problems too. I know 1 good fix is repot them with new soil, in use biobizz. Think I'm gonna have to do this too.


Well-Known Member
N and pick light or sun. Micro nutes too. You may be going to the extreme on dring the soil out.


Active Member
They look stressed out and underwatered to me. I would either stick to sun only or lights only.

If you're watering before the soil gets completely dry, maybe wait an extra 12-24 hours for the soil to dry all the way before watering again.

Kyle Keen Green

Active Member
Im just using the light now but since then problems have started, the sun was keeping them healthy at least but the weather went crappy so sticking to the hps now. They are slightly underwatered because I got the claw. They have recovered from that but waited for the wilt before watering again. Watered and fed today. We will see???? Not sure about Bio-Bizz seems to be very problematic!


Active Member
on;y feed when looks hungry aka wilted or not as perky. always when u start feeding.. just feed then do just phd water twice then feed again. and as soon as they seem like they need more food go feed-water-feed water-until they are big enought to feed everywatering.
also i think ur prob iss ur taking ur plant for inside to out. ive NEVER had sucsess with this technique... stick with either in or out bro ull be better off.
had a plant i vegged inside and was gonna flower out side, as soon as i took it out of tent and outside it started to look sad. until it completly fel over. brought it back inside and withing 5 min it was all perked up.
just my .02

Kyle Keen Green

Active Member
cheers, I've been using 100% HPS now for past few week and the new growth is like twisting and looking burnt, I keep moving the light up, Anything else I can do about this? I have a fan going.


Looks to me like they could use a repotting. Also try not watering until the top of the soil is bone dry. I usually water every 2 days and never have a problem with wilting.

I use a 400 watt hps in an airtight reflector and I keep it 4-6 inches from the top of the plants, so you should definitely be farther than that with the 600 watt. Also if you have an open reflector you may want to increase the distance even more.

Kyle Keen Green

Active Member
The top soil get dry very quickly the soil has added perlite but I check with weight. I have some Airpots for them, Will transplant 2moz then

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
Looks to me like they could use a repotting. Also try not watering until the top of the soil is bone dry. I usually water every 2 days and never have a problem with wilting.

I use a 400 watt hps in an airtight reflector and I keep it 4-6 inches from the top of the plants, so you should definitely be farther than that with the 600 watt. Also if you have an open reflector you may want to increase the distance even more.
i would have to agree, the yellowing of the bottom leaves always indicate that there ready for some new shoes. as stated earlier let soil dry out, water feed or water, water then feed.