4 Weeks from seed ...... not sure if got a problem starting ..... help me out !


These little ladies are 4 weeks after sprouting from seeds (4 x Bulldog Chronic and 4 x Blue Cheese). I transplanted into these 10 litre pots a week ago and they have now started to really grow. I noticed today one 2 plants a leaf problem, on one it has a hole on some spots and on another plant I have shrivelling on the end of a couple of leaves.

I might be stressing over nothing as this is only my second grow and my first from seeds (first time was clones). The PH is 6 and have been feeding them every day and half with Canna A+B feed at 40ml per 10 litres of water.

Light is a 600watt HPS and is approx. 18 inches from plants, temp is between 26-29 daytime and 19-21 night. Humidity is approx. 35-45

I'm hoping its nothing serious or even better nothing at all lol but would appreciate some feed back or help guys.

Photo's below are from today and best I could take with my phone lol

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Well-Known Member
The best thing you can do at this point is relax, dude you are stressing your plants out big time. They look fine, but all this stressing you are doing every time you visit them in the tent is going to cause problems. If it makes you feel better, give them a little nitrogen and a little cal/mag. But seriously, calm down, they can feel your angst.


Just as I thought ... stressing too much .... time to sit down roll a phat one and just play a bit of bob marley to the ladies ....cheers greenlikemoney. :weed:

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Seedlings definately take more time than clones as far as developing buds. When I do a grow with unknown seeds I wait until the proper time so i can take a snip for cloning. For a 1kw light source I know that 12/12 will give me a chance to get a snip while the plant is still green. With a lessor light source I would advise 18/6 until the plant reached the correct maturity level to get the snip and then proceed to 12/12 if you so desire a cloned mom of that stain. I go twelve weeks with seeds and ten weeks with clones.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps lighten up on the water/feed schedule. Not a soil grower anymore but i waited until pots got noticeably lighter to water and feed. Also i would disagree somewhat that clones are quicker than seeds. I dont do clones much due to time it takes to root and develop. It may be my lack of skill though lol. But my seeds are sprouting after 2 days and turn to flower after 20 days total.


Well-Known Member
They look great. You said you water them every day and a half. Ive had the best luck giving mine a good watering every 7-10 days and mine are in 5 gallon pots. They need to get to that point where the soil is starting to dry out so their roots can grow to find water, otherwise the roots have no need to grow if the soil is constantly wet. Bigger roots means bigger plant literally. Just use the hand weighing method to check your plants to see if they need water. Give them a good watering and then pick them up to check their weight and then you can go by that to be able to tell if they need water. They will tell you what they need don't you worry about that. They look great other then a little.e over watered my friend. Get that ph up to about 6.5-6.8, 6 is a little low. The plant will be able to absorb all nutrients better when the ph is correct. Use some dolomite or agricultural lime, its 5 bucks for 50 lbs or something like that. Use about 2 tbsp. per gallon of soil and just sprinkle it on top of the soil and work it into the soil with your fingers right before you water. Then give I a good watering. Its gonna take a couple waterings to correct the ph this way but once its correct its gonna stay there for the rest of your grow (assuming that your waterings with nutes are ph'd at 6.5-6.8 Don't get the fast acting lime, and the finer the powder the better it work. Phew, sorry for the book I just wrote. Good luck.