4 weeks in vegg looks light nute burn not positive photos included please help


Sup yall, I am 4 1/2 weeks into vegg and have not use any nute just ph tested water.

Fox Farm Oacean Forest soil 75% with 25% sunshine advance mix #4 3gal. smart pots from start.

T-5 sunblaze 4 blube 4ft wide (20,000 lum)

Day temps 76 humidity 42%

Night temps 73 Humidity 43%

Its ben four weeks since first true leaves came out. I water as needed with tap water that was left out for 24hrs. My tap water ppm reads 460 and ph 8.7 so 10 days ago i switch to ro water adding 1 tsp of cal-mag plus. This past sunday i started noticing the very tips of the leafs on top grouth start to yellow. So i waited till last night to semi fluse (1 gal.) with staright ph 6.5 ro water. Today when i check on them i notice some leaves turn light green allmost yellow and little rust light spots starting to appear. Im not shore if my soil is still hot are lack of something. When i water with 6.5 ph my run off ph is 6.2 and my ppm is 1555.IF some one can help me out i would apreciate it.


Active Member
:D its just the opposite it needs a little more nitrogen brotha...heres a daamn good tip alright, lose the ppm meter focus on PH and soil likes a ph of 6 and theres nothing wrong with you plant its fine but you could feed it a tiny bit more nitrogen, and ease up on the watering whats your watering schedule??


i was using a special mix soil, when i added my nutes on the 3rd week, leaves began to burn at the top of the plant, and 1 plant has taken to a lighter colour, i flushed with 2 liters of water. i dont think its a lack of nitrogen as nitrogen deficiencies to my knowledge usually begin from the bottom up.

i had a spare sk which is still in the smallest pot in a cupboard not getting anything. it is currently cannibalising the lower sets of leaves to try and stretch.

are your lower sets yellowing?

i cannot help you with the yellowing as it is a question i need an answer for.


I water every three days useing close to a half gal per plant. I always wait till the pots are light in weight and at least 2" of soil is dry. As for yellowing on lower leaves not at all really green. As for the new and newer growth pale Green with wihte tips and towards the center is rust like spots that turn to redish spots this morning. Only one leaf is showing the spots. As for the very top new groth tip or white and turns to a light green as the middle is goldish and turn more green as it gets to the edges. I thought at first it was a n defcentcy but as time went by they got worst wich led me to think it was maby some hot spots in the soil. But I guess with me not know exactly what the soils ph is beside run off and what's going in. I will post photos of today shot this evening. Thanks


Well-Known Member
I use RO - u must add Ca and Mg equally. I got lazy recently and just added tap water to bring the EC from 0.0 - 0.15 before adding nutes - this resulted in Mg def. No I'm adding Ca and Mg to EC 0.3 before nutes.