4 weeks into flower, ak47, aeroflo2

Hey guys I was just looking for some insite as to what you guys think of my grow. Ive never grown ak47 and this is my second crop on the aeroflo2. Im a fairly new grower so im always looking for ways to better my crop. Here is a few pics of the AK.

Room temp at day 82ish
night temp 68ish.
ppm is at 1100
ph is at 5.5
humidity is 48
water temp is 77
Using GH flora series, bloom and micro
2 1000 watt hps

I think thats all lol, so any input is greatly appreciated thanks guys.
Hey! I know your post is old, but could you give me some information on the aeroflo? I'm thinking of buying an Aeroflo 20 and I was wondering about the yeald...How much do you get on a plant? Hope to hear from you!