4 weeks into flowering!!!!!! (pics)


Active Member
I vegged for roughly 4 weeks (a couple days shy) and then I flowered for another rough 11 weeks. I was damn proud of my little girl, man. She had been through a lot (nutrient issues, PM, my light fixture falling on her) and she still yielded me a good oz. I am sure if the fixture didn't take out 3 of her colas she would have provided me at least another quarter. :P Oh, well. I digress.

Keep up the great work, man. :)
yeah i bet she would have provided if those colas would have seen it through, did your plant go into shock when this happened?


Not at all. The only damage she suffered was the broken colas. My girl was really resilient when she was growing, absolutely nothing would shock her-- Not a transplant, not any burns, not mildew and definitely not a lamp. Lol.


Active Member
i got some updates guys the pics look the same but the nugs look different they are getting alot more crystaly and they are starting to get her orange hairs =D she is starting to smell very little. here are some updated pics also i just bought a Fixie! what do you guys think!!!!!!!
august 24th.jpgoutside.jpgfixie.jpg


Active Member
i opened my tent this morning and one of my bulbs that are on the corners of the ten fell and broke =/ oh well it will only be a couple bucks to replace it the benefit of growing with cfls!:bigjoint:


Active Member
dang i didnt know that and i am not to worried about my plant, cause the bulb broke next to the pot. not any pieces of glass went into my pot


Looking good! I'm about to do an all CFL grow myself, How are your lamps attached? also, mercury is pretty nasty stuff... even the fumes from it can effect you! stay safe man.


Active Member
you should try it man alot of people bash on cfls but they give you quality buds. i have extension cords going up to each corners of my tent and then i taped them with elecrical tape( i know its ghetto but it does the job haha)


I have no doubt that CFLs work great from some of the sweet threads on here, I'd rather spend $100 on lighting than $300+ on lighting and cooling ya know?! ;) So each light has its own extension cord going into a socket plug thingy? That's a great idea! and o'well about the ghetto-ness, if it works, then it doesn't matter :) looking forward to updates!


Well-Known Member
I would rather spend $900 on lighting & cooling then continue on my pursuit to happiness.

Great looking plants BTW :) I love them in that stage, they will explode on you seen. keep us updated.


Well-Known Member
dang i didnt know that and i am not to worried about my plant, cause the bulb broke next to the pot. not any pieces of glass went into my pot
Checked for you man interwebs said that the amount was very very small and you should be good as long as you dont huff it right after/clean it up with your tongue ;)
Just clean it up carefully and there should be less than whats in your normal food/water supply :/


Active Member
thanks for looking out man. yeah i am almost positive that i didnt do that with broken shards of glass hahah thanks again man


Active Member
thanks blazed monkey, i am really hoping they swell up during these last couple of weeks. when do you normally see alot of crystals start to appear?


Well-Known Member
Last few weeks of flowering is when all the swelling/sugar coating usually happens but im not gonna lie i dont have tons of grows under my belt more like(1.5ish) so if your looking for my specifics youll have to grab someone else ;)


Active Member
well i will tell you this much man you have that much more experience than me and i believe your word man, i have almost gone through one grow and i feel like i can teach the fundamentals of growing marijuana from start to almost finish hahah all im trying to say is if you have done it once i believe you bro as long as you have one harvest under your belt hahah