4 weeks into veg 24/0 lighting with cfls


Active Member
hey there RIU i have 2 plants that are 4 weeks into veg stage under cfls 24/0 light scedule. wondering if anyone can tell if these are male / female or perhaps its still to early..


Fatty McDoobs

Well-Known Member
Still too early yet bro. Those are just sex organs, pistils or pollen sacks will form inbetween them and the stem. You won't see pistils until about 2-3 weeks after you flip to 12/12 if its a male it will show about a week before the females. I'm a newb as well but have read a lot of info and am under 3 weeks from my first harvest using CFL's. Journal in my signature. Looking good so far though! What strain is it?


Active Member
my buddy gave me these seeds they are some sort of hash strain... using miracle grow soil and dynagrow nutes


Well-Known Member
You're not using them together, right?

No feeding with the Dyna-grow until the plant has used up the food in the miracle grow soil. Don't double feed your plants.

It is possible to see pre-flowers in veg and determine sex before 12/12, especially with indicas.

Good luck
if you want to determine sex of the plant before your stick the whole thing into flower take a cutting, remove that from the main plant let the roots establish for a week or so.. pot it and stick it straight in to 12/12 after a few weeks the sex of the plant will be clear hope its a girl.. look on youtube for videos on takin cuttings... peace