4 weeks not much yeild


Well-Known Member
the plant seems to be a satvia they can take 9-16 weeks to flower..but the plant looks good...meangreen


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks guys, It was out of a good bag of mid grade bud do you think i should stay with the half teaspoon. Label says house plants 1/4 outdoor potted plants 1/2 and garden plants 1 teaspoon should i start giving it 1 teaspoon. Thanks guys Funk


Well-Known Member
Maybe some one who knows more than I do will chime in, but I think your fert is not the proper balance for this time in the plants life. I think you need more P & K in your fert.


Cool thanks guys, It was out of a good bag of mid grade bud do you think i should stay with the half teaspoon. Label says house plants 1/4 outdoor potted plants 1/2 and garden plants 1 teaspoon should i start giving it 1 teaspoon. Thanks guys Funk
CAUTION!!! You have a predominately (if not entirely) sativa strain. These are super, super sensitive to overfertilization- require a very narrow band to grow in healthily (referring to tds/ec here). If at 1/2 tsp now, they look good. I would wager good money that if you double the dose they would almost immediately begin to curl under (kind-of a hooking). The leaf edges will likely raise as well. After you feed, if these indicators come about, way to high an ec/tds. Flush & go down. Look good, keep it up! Best.


BTW @ wk 4 I too would use a light bloom booster, but a very, very small amount with this strain. Also, one reason it looks so sparse is because it is a sativa. You are likely looking at 10-12+ weeks til mature & it will be a month before they start to fill out. They will never be thick & dense, but will get big & airy. Likely you will get frustrated with them & never grow a sativa again, except maybe as a head stash, and even then, what a pain in the ass...


Well-Known Member
BTW @ wk 4 I too would use a light bloom booster, but a very, very small amount with this strain. Also, one reason it looks so sparse is because it is a sativa. You are likely looking at 10-12+ weeks til mature & it will be a month before they start to fill out. They will never be thick & dense, but will get big & airy. Likely you will get frustrated with them & never grow a sativa again, except maybe as a head stash, and even then, what a pain in the ass...
jeez, bad experience?

Anyhow, to the OP. Your plant looks fine, keep doing what you're doing.
Be patient, give your plant lots of love and less rather than more food, and don't worry about timeline, it will be ready when its ready.


jeez, bad experience?

yeah brother, hated the experience of waiting & waiting & waiting, with rather disappointing results in the end. It screwed with the whole scheduling with other cycles. Super sensitive. Oddly, still have some sativa mums that just can't bring myself to kill...


Well-Known Member
jeez, bad experience?

yeah brother, hated the experience of waiting & waiting & waiting, with rather disappointing results in the end. It screwed with the whole scheduling with other cycles. Super sensitive. Oddly, still have some sativa mums that just can't bring myself to kill...
I know where you're coming from. I have such a love/hate relationship with sativas. The retarded long flowering period and the sparse fluffy buds.
But brother lemme tell ya, there ain't much in this world so good as a well cured haze.


Well-Known Member
Did not think it would take this long to bloom do you think the pot is even big enough to go another 4-5 weeks.