4 weeks old indoor closet


I have 3 lights on it like a ceiling light from all angles a fan in there for air and i water it about 2-3 times a day.


Well-Known Member


Its my first grow i know i'm doing something wrong. I have it on a 18/6 lighting, soil from my flower pot outside, 3 100 watt lights


Well-Known Member
1) what kind of soil?
2) what nuts?
3) i am guessing you are using cfls?
4) are you in veg or flowering?
5) bring those lights alot closer you have major stretching.
6) you need a fan blowing on it (u need that to make the stem stronger)
7) how often are you watering it?
8) how much are you feeding your plants.
9) your plant looks over watered or other things, (need to know answer to number 7)


1) i think just regular dirt lol
2) idk
3) yes i am using cfls
4) i am in veg
5) will do thanks :)
6) I have a fan blowing inside the closet
7) I am watering it about 3-4 times a day
If you are watering 2-3x a day I would say you are over watering it for sure probably why it looks sad... Also it is very stretchy I would move the lights move one toward the base so the bottom can get more light and fill out also in addition to the fan you can give them a gentle shake at the base just for a second or to..just helps strengthen..also do hope you are using cfls also any nuts yet?


Ok i will water them about once a day i moved the lights closer i put one near the bottom of the stem and one on both sides so it all gets light and what do you mean nuts yet?


Well-Known Member
1) u need to get some real potting mix even home depot or lowes brand, anything other than dirt.
2) you need nuts you want to get something high in nitrogen, 6 then Phosphate around 2-3 and then K (soluble potash) around 5. these numbers can be higher but Nitrogen and K need to be high but nitrogen the highest.
3) honestly i suggest watering it once every 2 days


Well-Known Member
then on feeding them, follow directions on the back, i suggest giving you plant 1/2 recommended for one week and then full strength, since u are 4 weeks in. and u need to keep a light on top of the plant, i mean the lights need to be like 3-4 inches from the plant or it will stretch.


Well-Known Member
NO i did soil grows for a while and now switched to hydro (dwc) and now going to areoponics. so i have done it all and need any help at all i will gladly help. We are all here to learn. and those lights i hope u are using 6500K and keeping your plants on about 18/6 hour schedule. 18 hours on and 6 hours off. and also when you are going this depth you need to make sure your ph is about 6.3 in a soil grow hydro grow u want 5.6-5.8. to lower it you use ph lower u put in the water, get at local hydro store or online, they are about 6 bucks. and u will need some more lights, the more lights u have THE BETTER


Well-Known Member
Yeah once they grow out a bit(depending on soil) they will need a bit more water, but initially i water about once every 3-5 days. Deep watering seems to do better than frequent light water. Longer root systems. Just let them go for a few days. They should perk up(the leaves wont look so heavy) then once they need water again the leaves will droop down a bit.

a good way to check is just jam your finger in the soil near the edge, about an inch down it should feel moist.

The absolute best thing you can buy now is a moisture meter. From lowes they are about 7$. Its just a metal stick you stick in your soil that reads moist/dry. Very helpful. also if your there and if they have it pick up a bag of Miracle Grow African Violate. I wouldnt use any other MG soils, but my African Violate soil plant looks freggin amazing.

as for the health of your plant. yeah 100 % over watered and its stretching for the light. Bring the lights closer and add more of it.


Well-Known Member
agree with you very much karr. Right on the dot. and yea the african violet is amazing soil because they have alot of nutrients and nice phosphate in it for flowering. but yea need to get some plant food, go down the isle in lowes, home depot and look at the levels and go by what i said, high nitrogen, middle-low phosphate and the middle-high K. till you flower then you need differ bulbs, 2700K (warm bulbs) then you switch the nitrogen and phosphate around.
Why would you suggest adding nuts to a soil that feed out of curiosity I am not familiar with the african violet but I understand it feeds the plant and mg is not good for new growers if you add more nuts to a time release soil wouldn't that bee too much?


Well-Known Member
To the OP, I suggest you do a lot of research and reading on how to grow cannabis. I don't mean to offend you but you are unprepared for what awaits. If you are having this kind of trouble already then you stand virtually no chance once she starts to flower. It's not worth taking the risk and only harvesting a couple of joints. It looks like all of these folks have already given you some pretty good advice so I'd follow it and start reading my friend. Good luck and welcome to RIU!:weed:
To the OP, I suggest you do a lot of research and reading on how to grow cannabis. I don't mean to offend you but you are unprepared for what awaits. If you are having this kind of trouble already then you stand virtually no chance once she starts to flower. It's not worth taking the risk and only harvesting a couple of joints. It looks like all of these folks have already given you some pretty good advice so I'd follow it and start reading my friend. Good luck and welcome to RIU!:weed:
I have to disagrre just because he doesn't know that much this far doesn't mean he won't succeed I had base knowledge when I started I grew a plant at 15 nothing but jiffy pucks water and regular 100w light bulbs so suggest he had no chance without more info is absurd cannabis is a strong plant


Active Member
I'd start over if I were the OP. Use a good potting soil, and when it sprouts keep the lights really close to the plant, like right on top of it, that way it wont strech out like that. ooh, and make sue you have enough of the right kind of light. You should be watering like once every 2-3 days, not 2-3 times a day. lol.