4 x 1000 watt ( white widow, tan dream, new york power diesel, freeze cheese 89')


Well-Known Member
Thanks cfl. She has cured now for a few days and weighing in at 109.6 grams or 3.9 ozs.. So not bad at all. Half of the cheese and the whole power diesel got harvested this weekend as well. So I'll have a weight on them pretty soon. The only thing that is left under the light is the dream and she is filling in beautifully. The other half of the cheese will be done next weekend. My guess is the dream will be the heaviest yielder. All comments would be appreciated hate talking to myself


Well-Known Member
The new York power diesel weighed 5 oz or 141.6 grams and the portion of the cheese that we cut down weighed 65 grams so that's a ytd of 315 grams. Still got 1/3 of the cheese and the whole tangerine dream left.. So may hit that lbs club! Stay tuned!


Well-Known Member
Finally got a final weight on the cheese. 118 grams. A ytd of 368 g's. The tan dream is still going strong, she's taking her time. We'll prob get a weight on that one in a cpl weeks. Peace


Well-Known Member
I realize no one is following this but for the sake of completion I'll post what the tangerine dream weighed. After a week cure it is weighing in at 154.3 grams (5.5 oz) making the total off the 4 plants 521 grams (18.6 oz). I was really wanting an elbow so I'm stoked about that! For the 4 people that did read this thread thanks! Now it's time to get the garden ready for Jack herer, chemdog, space, and confidential cheese. Peace y'all