40 days flowering and still no buds


Well-Known Member
sounds like a plan don`t be afraid to drop down to 8/16

I would put the clone over to 16/8 let it grow a bit then take more clones if you like the bud your getting on that plant

Also some GA3 is good to give to a mother plant before you take clones, you get less bushing but they grow fast and straight up

I like triacontanol for making them bushy and getting more bud sites or more white hairs to shoot our during flower but it seems to make clones veg slower GA3 at a low dosage when sprayed on or say 20 to 100ppm in the feed water can make a plant take off veg wise you get nice long side shoots that are easier to cut up for clones and take off and root faster

Or a good seaweed extract is like a balance between the 2

Evoponic do "plant steroids elixir" or something called "Mother kare" both do the same thing pretty easy product for newbies to use 1ml per L you can go upto 2ml per L if you want if you over feed with GA3 your plants grow like crazy but you can get more males and hermies

But any kinda rooter plant start or weak veg feed even can help with taking clones

I like to use rockwall or foam cubes are good, coco or soil can work, Hydro and aero are best if you know how to run hydro without issues otherwise just buying the big rock wall slabs and cutting a slab for 3 to 20 clones is your beast bet

some rooting gel or powder and boom

You already made one clone so you should be able to get better with some more equipment and practice

You seem to be doing well enough mate

Pertty soon you`ll be telling newbies on here what to do :)
bless mate. all your advice has been very helpful and has made me very hopeful. i will keep you updated in the weeks to come. cheers.