40 Days into Flowering, Fan Leaves Browning and Dying


Well-Known Member
im gonna say you have an iron deficency due to calcium/magnesium inbalance, had exactly the same prob, treated with calmag, plants flourished but the leaves remained damaged. i might be wrong, but whatyou have looks very similar.


I'm pretty sure its not root bound, as I think one is my main issues has been when to water. I have been watering just about once a week and seems like the bottom is staying a little damp, and I think maybe I don't have enough roots to soak up all the water. I put a few inches of perlite and some river rocks on the bottom to help with drainage.


Active Member
vein problems, the parts of the plant affected are the veins and the tips, so u need to tell us what nutes u are using, how much u use, and the % of micro nutes that is in the fertilzer.


I am using MG bloom booster 1 tbspn once a few weeks ago and kellogg organic tomato fert 4-6-3 npk once before that since I transplanted them into this container.


Well-Known Member
I have a 15 gallon tub that I use for regular watering. ( No nutes )

It's in the grow tent and I add water as needed....but I keep goldfish and snails in there. They keep the water at about 6.4 PH ( along with the algae build up ) and my plants just love it..fish poop. algae etc. I still check the PH but I let nature do most of my work...bugs for bug control etc.
Trying to keep it as organic and natural as possible.

I still test PH..nute and regular watering..both incoming and outgoing.