40 days old, Made some changes, New Pics.


Well-Known Member
Well here's the latest.
I transplanted my plants into bigger pots, and also switched to diatomite growing medium.
I also put them in the other room and switched the light from a 2 foot T5 6 bulb light fixture, to a 400 watt Metal Halide.
Plus, I bumped up the PPM to 1000, while keeping the PH at 5.8
Temperatures are steady during the day at 78 degrees and at night 68 degrees.
Plants are approximately 13 inches tall. Techincally they're taller, but this is the 3rd time I've transplanted and each time I transplant I bury 1-2 inches of the main stem.

In the pics, the 2 plants closest to the back wall are Hindu Kush.
The other plant is an unknown Chronic strain.
