$40 half oz ak-47 and found seed

I am going to try CS, if it works, I'll definitely let you know in private message, and would love to share with anyone and everyone, Angeles and Assholes alike. I'm ordering the CS monday. If you showed interest, and this works, I will message you to see if you want some. No charge.
Free grass, free yourself, free the world.
Awesome. Definitely let me know. That stuff just looks amazing. We can work out some sort of trade system when I get my new op up.
It may be strain dependent. I was reading this on a breeders thread. It came from a member with no small amount of growing experience
All cannabis carries the trait of hermaphrodism. This is why rodelization works. Like any trait each individual expresses it to a varying degree. With enough CS most every plant will eventually herm.
I am going to try CS, if it works, I'll definitely let you know in private message, and would love to share with anyone and everyone, Angeles and Assholes alike. I'm ordering the CS monday. If you showed interest, and this works, I will message you to see if you want some. No charge.
Free grass, free yourself, free the world.
If you need some help holler. I do not use cs I use a blend of sodium thiosulfate (which is what Tiresias is), and silver nitrate. @cannabineer makes it for me, he's the chemist, if you have questions about that you can ask.
Every plant I grew of this has hermied. Just never seeds. Never.
Since it is herming you just need to nudge its hormone production slightly. I don't think you need the mix of ionized silver and silver thiosulfate I use. But if using plain cs doesn't work to give it enough of a push. PM me and I'll send you some.
Since it is herming you just need to nudge its hormone production slightly. I don't think you need the mix of ionized silver and silver thiosulfate I use. But if using plain cs doesn't work to give it enough of a push. PM me and I'll send you some.
Thanks, I'm going to order the CS monday. Hopefully it will work.
image.jpg I used Tiresias Mist on my C99, it's the 3rd time I've used it and it's worked every time. I cut the limb that had made "balls" soon after they started busting open and put it in a jar of water, away from everything else of coarse, and collected the pollen and brushed it on. I made probably 300 beans or so. I think it's like $20 an ounce, enough for 2 to 4 plants.
Tiresias Mist works but it's not worth the money.

The sodium thiosulfate/silver nitrate solution works extremely well and for $40 you can buy enough of the chemicals to do hundreds of plants. It's just two chemicals you dissolve separately in distilled water and then mix together. Put in a spray bottle and spray the plants a couple times and you're done.
Tiresias Mist works but it's not worth the money.

The sodium thiosulfate/silver nitrate solution works extremely well and for $40 you can buy enough of the chemicals to do hundreds of plants. It's just two chemicals you dissolve separately in distilled water and then mix together. Put in a spray bottle and spray the plants a couple times and you're done.
Do you mix them in equal parts?
This sounds like a much better alternative. Thanks man.
It is an easy process but can seem overwhelming when researching. If you don't feel comfortable, you can always hit up amazon for the Collodial Silver 30ppm which is definitely strong enough to reverse a plant.