40% tax on weed?


Well-Known Member
You are making things up now.

All I was saying is that most of your ridiculous stories about what is going to happen can not happen in Colorado.
All you have done is post spam and rant like a child.

You should grow weed.
More than half the shit I have said would happen already has Happened in Colorado.
I never in my wildest nightmares would of even though of having to RADIO TAG plants.

And when the Feds lift the prohibition

It will get even worse with

So if you want to grow bud (yeah your in a legal state not me) the fastest way to legalization and keeping all the Govewrments Fed State and Local out of my grow and life is

Legal to Possess and Grow
Illegal to sell

Wait till a bunch of Cowboys in Colorado start fucking things up shipping over state lines
Then Colorado will come up with legal only to Grow and sell if Licensed

Whats the cost of a license right now in Colorado?


Well-Known Member
Keep fucking that chicken.
How will the feds or anyone else change the Colorado state constitution?
How much of a chump are you for not growing weed?
What do you hate more about America, the freedom or the liberty?


Well-Known Member
You think thats bad have u heard what laws they are trying imply here in washington they want to strip all us med patients of everything



Well-Known Member
You think thats bad have u heard what laws they are trying imply here in washington they want to strip all us med patients of everything

IN Arizona you cannot grow even with a medical card within 25 miles of a Dispensary

If you go back thru this post you will see Colorado Regulates the shit out of Weed sellers and charges fees that cost thousands. But Trousers says his states constitution forbids that kind of taxes regulations and restrictions
Even when presented with the Colorado state regs on Marijuana from their own goverment web


Well-Known Member
reported as spam? retarded?

this is what happens when borderline retarded right wingers get access to the internet by accident.
Do you always call people names ? Do you always use your race as a excuse for all of your failures in life?
Or is it just when you cant compete in the market of free ideas and facts?Is that when the name calling and excuses come out?
Those who are good at making excuses are seldom good at anything else.(Ben Franklin)


Well-Known Member
Do you always call people names ? Do you always use your race as a excuse for all of your failures in life?
Or is it just when you cant compete in the market of free ideas and facts?Is that when the name calling and excuses come out?
Those who are good at making excuses are seldom good at anything else.(Ben Franklin)
Unless the Stream of their Importation could be turned... they will soon so outnumber us, that all the advantages we have, will not in my Opinion be able to preserve our Language, and even our Government will become precarious."

- Benjamin Franklin, on the threat posed by German immigration to Pennsylvania, 1753[SUP]29[/SUP]

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Unless the Stream of their Importation could be turned... they will soon so outnumber us, that all the advantages we have, will not in my Opinion be able to preserve our Language, and even our Government will become precarious."

- Benjamin Franklin, on the threat posed by German immigration to Pennsylvania, 1753[SUP]29[/SUP]
more copy/paste with halfassed attribution (now with Broken Links(tm)! )

i guess it is sort of an improvement. baby steps.


Well-Known Member
You think thats bad have u heard what laws they are trying imply here in washington they want to strip all us med patients of everything

No...since you don't even seem to know. Who, what, where, when, how, why?


Well-Known Member
Keep fucking that chicken.
How will the feds or anyone else change the Colorado state constitution?
How much of a chump are you for not growing weed?
What do you hate more about America, the freedom or the liberty?
You trousers are bit twisted. CO can change their Constitution. I think the point here is getting torqued, also.

You - are not saying legal will come with no tax and restrictions
Chesus - is not saying illegal is without restriction

The DISCUSSION (gosh) is about the slope of change and how it can seem to go up while might be going DOWN.

Backlash. It is a fine balance that we can never have. Just close enough. It was banned by bias and backlash of the time.

And the risk is still there. In these lying times, the last 100 years for this country, as soon as we get success, the Counter Culture snatchs defeat from the jaws of victory.

CA is always closing down, blatant "clinic" and grow houses. Backlash add up to Public Awareness.

And we are on the bubble. The forces could still tip back.

This is not and has never been a Ganja Problem. This is a problem of fear against the Counter Culture.

And some are saying right now, "those fuckers should fear us." I was there and I said the same thing.

Well, the dumb fucks that want to be feared, fear is the mind killer. Fear is the maker of Zombie backlash.

Causing fear is the doom of Medical Pot. Why?

You can ignore what you don't fear. But, if you fear a mosquito, you will turn your house upside down to kill it.

Not the beast. The fear. The fear makes stuff up. Blows it into monsters. Reefer Madness is the Fear incarnate. No logic here.

Tune in, turn on? Fine. Drop out? NO! Society will fear you for that. Backlash may ruin this simply by calling attention to the Counter Culture again, who loves attention. FUCK EM! (See?)


New Member
I am going to play the Indian card .. Taxes are evil and no nation will ever be free with them emplaced upon its citizens . When citizens become a people again , perhaps we will be free from the monopolies known as Government/Elites :(


Well-Known Member
They dont have to Change the Colorado state Constitution
Colorado is already Regulating , restricting and taxing it
The Feds also have Supremacy and legal weed would fall under Insterstate Commerce definition

You are a stSWWWEEKKJKKWupid f aeewejhhjhjjucking bireeeeeeerrrrreeeetch
Sorry, did not hear your last. You are breaking up....can you read the airspeed?

.....................no response, Sir.


Well-Known Member
No...since you don't even seem to know. Who, what, where, when, how, why?
I do know why they are doing it all so dont be a smart ass. And it is fucked what they are doing for all marijuana in all states that are considering recreational pot



Well-Known Member
You are obviously incapable of having a debate. You should get a hobby, like growing plants or something.


Well-Known Member
The whole country is lawless especially the government.BADGES?BADGES?WE DONT NEED NO STINKING BADGES.
Why? Because we are lawless..who cares what the law says..the law is coming from who? People who break the laws?WOW..that holds allot of cred with me.


Well-Known Member
You are obviously incapable of having a debate. You should get a hobby, like growing plants or something.
You are obviously incapable of seeing reality
legal Pot in Colorado has 136 pages of regulations, restrictions and taxes

Do you radio tag your pot plants?
Do you have up to 14k for a license from the state?


Well-Known Member
Yea if the government really wanted to win the war on drugs what they would do is legalize it then tax and regulate them out of business just like they do every other business in the country.


Well-Known Member
You are obviously incapable of seeing reality
legal Pot in Colorado has 136 pages of regulations, restrictions and taxes

Do you radio tag your pot plants?
Do you have up to 14k for a license from the state?
Maybe tags are a good idea. I am tagging my plants now.


Wife's shoe size and some pants I just bought. A good start.