Keep fucking that chicken.
How will the feds or anyone else change the Colorado state constitution?
How much of a chump are you for not growing weed?
What do you hate more about America, the freedom or the liberty?
You trousers are bit twisted. CO can change their Constitution. I think the point here is getting torqued, also.
You - are
not saying legal will come with no tax and restrictions
Chesus - is
not saying illegal is without restriction
The DISCUSSION (gosh) is about the slope of change and how it can seem to go up while might be going DOWN.
Backlash. It is a fine balance that we can never have. Just close enough. It was banned by bias and backlash of the time.
And the risk is still there. In these lying times, the last 100 years for this country, as soon as we get success, the Counter Culture snatchs defeat from the jaws of victory.
CA is always closing down, blatant "clinic" and grow houses. Backlash add up to Public Awareness.
And we are on the bubble. The forces could still tip back.
This is not and has never been a Ganja Problem. This is a problem of fear against the Counter Culture.
And some are saying right now, "those fuckers should fear us." I was there and I said the same thing.
Well, the dumb fucks that want to be feared, fear is the mind killer. Fear is the maker of Zombie backlash.
Causing fear is the doom of Medical Pot. Why?
You can ignore what you don't fear. But, if you fear a mosquito, you will turn your house upside down to kill it.
Not the beast. The fear. The fear makes stuff up. Blows it into monsters. Reefer Madness is the Fear incarnate. No logic here.
Tune in, turn on? Fine. Drop out? NO! Society will fear you for that. Backlash may ruin this simply by calling attention to the Counter Culture again, who loves attention. FUCK EM! (See?)