40 year old Pressure Cooker..


Well-Known Member
So today my aunt gave me an old 6 qt presto pressure cooker. All it is missing is the jiggler and the gasket. Do you think the jiggler from my newish 23 qt presto would work on it? and do you think the gaskets they have for the newer models will fit my old one? The model is A600.


Well-Known Member
Either match up the modle numbers to the parts or forget it..not worth the risk in the long run..trade a couple quarters of booms for a new one!


Well-Known Member
I'm just not understanding why you would want to take the part from a bigger pc and put it on an older, smaller pc.


Well-Known Member
Either way,old equipment,wrong parts plus high heat and pressure make for an equation that will not be good..


Well-Known Member
Well I saw a jiggler on ebay for 8 for this older one. and also 6 qt gasket on amazon.

I have a PC already and want to use this smaller one for LC's and what not.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't fuck with it. A new PC is cheap and the risk of the old one blowing is simply not worth it IMO. Hopefully Canndo can share his story of when his PC blew.


Well-Known Member
Please don't use that one. Think airline flight th Hawaii where a hunk of the fuselage blew away, the cooker is no different, repeated expansion and contraction will put micro fisures in the metal. 15 lbs ofpressure will blow your head off. If it fails the pressure won't get that high as the failsafes will kick in but if you have a 10 psi burst you will be scalded and likely take a pounding, lose an eye, or be impaled with shrapnel. Not worth it, just not, as folks say, you can't get new for sixty, seventy bucks.


Active Member
It won't explode with the wrong gasket but if you have the wrong one it may not be able to hold pressure. Pressure cookers are manufactured very solidly so the rest of it should still be serviceable. But I pretty much agree with everyone else, I'd just get a new one.


Well-Known Member
My wife moved one of mine when it was at full pressure, I don't know what happened but the pressure plug blew, luckily it was directed away from her - it shot super heated steam for maybe 30 seconds - a very long 30 seconds, it steam cleaned my ceiling and left what looked like a quarter inch of hot water all over my floor. very frightening, you don't want to be frightened like that, even though they are well made, they have redundant safety measures - one or two blow out plugs and the bobbler itself, they can still fail, I wound up blocking all the failsafes with a bag and the pressure went to 25 lbs, now THAT is scary. But it does show you that the good cookers will hold up pretty well.


Well-Known Member
So I was at my grandmas house the other day and she mentioned she still has a old PC as well. But this one is a 4 qt. and has the gasket (never been replaced it looks like)the weight and also the canning rack. Found a retailer online that sells both gaskets and over pressure plugs for this model too.


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