400 gal smart pots


Well-Known Member
Hey , I've been growing for about 4 years now , and am going to be making the switch from holes to smart pots. I was hoping you guys can inform me about what kind of yield I can expect from a 400 gallon pot if grown correctly . I will be using top end soil to fill each one . My holes are currently to small and I'm not yielding what I would prefer . Thanks any feed back will be much appreciated .


Well-Known Member
Never used anything that big, but I get 15 footers out of 10 gallons... About 6 feet wide each. Small and efficient.

Out of a 400 gallon that would be crazy


Well-Known Member
Awesome thanks for the feed back . Would you guys agree that pots make your life much easier while growing compared to holes ? I have a lot to learn still but I'm tired of fighting gofers bad drainage issues and just working on the plants in general .


Well-Known Member
I like the control they give you...mine are all set on palates off the ground too....made from 3" sq cage mess and weed block fabric...


Well-Known Member
Yes they are worth it. They air prune your roots,drain very well, make the plant portable, but the only draw back in my eyes is they drain to good and larger plants that like to drink up more water will have to be watched and watered more often.


Well-Known Member
Alright awesome . Thanks for the feed back. I have a lot to learn still but I feel like my plants in the ground have way more issues through out the year than my buddies who used pots .