400 gallon organic outdoor grow

Woah you got incredible results. Those plants were MONSTERS!!

Would you mind sharing with us a full list of the products you use and your feeding schedule?

I grew a few sativa plants outdoor this year and they only got around 6 feet tall. The buds weren't chaining together well and ended up airy and light. I need to step my game up for next season.
Woah you got incredible results. Those plants were MONSTERS!!

Would you mind sharing with us a full list of the products you use and your feeding schedule?

I grew a few sativa plants outdoor this year and they only got around 6 feet tall. The buds weren't chaining together well and ended up airy and light. I need to step my game up for next season.
Awe thanks! Honestly it's the manure... has nothing to do with what I feed it really. That big tight bud you see a couple of posts up was just a random bean that fell and sprouted. I did not feed it or water it. It only got water when it rained. Plus it only gets sun about 6 hours a day when in flower.
I always tell people they should try growing in straight manure but no one really believes me lol.

Anyhow last yr all I did was mix garden tone with some bulb food into the manure. I fed Epsom salts and molasses every two weeks.
Foliar fed silica until flower then was just a root drench. Cant get much simpler then that ;)
Awe thanks! Honestly it's the manure... has nothing to do with what I feed it really. That big tight bud you see a couple of posts up was just a random bean that fell and sprouted. I did not feed it or water it. It only got water when it rained. Plus it only gets sun about 6 hours a day when in flower.
I always tell people they should try growing in straight manure but no one really believes me lol.

Anyhow last yr all I did was mix garden tone with some bulb food into the manure. I fed Epsom salts and molasses every two weeks.
Foliar fed silica until flower then was just a root drench. Cant get much simpler then that ;)

I'll definitely try out manure next time, is it ok if the manure is composted or does it have to be fresh?

I've noticed some growers recommend silicon dioxide and others say potassium silicate. Do you use a liquid product like this or just buy the powder? https://www.botanicare.com/products/silica-blast/
nice looking beans there, should be a great cross, only heard good things about the Jelly Pie, got a few packs on idle for a pollen chuck project later as well hehehe
Thanks man! I've seen your crosses and you have gift!
Wish I had access to some of the strains you have! I traded some of the jelly dreams with a friend of mine from Australia and I'm getting some really awesome gear so I think I will continue to try a few more breeding projects. The one I'm most excited about is one called orange og. I believe it was bred by a member who passed away named wheezer. Its agent orange x Tahoe og. Suppose to be extreamly potent and tasty :)
Also getting some sr71 along with a few others.

He popped a few seeds already and they germinated and is above soil so he actually gets to try my cross before I do. Pretty excited for this new grow next yr! I will be watching yours again... you really are skilled!
Thanks man! I've seen your crosses and you have gift!
Wish I had access to some of the strains you have! I traded some of the jelly dreams with a friend of mine from Australia and I'm getting some really awesome gear so I think I will continue to try a few more breeding projects. The one I'm most excited about is one called orange og. I believe it was bred by a member who passed away named wheezer. Its agent orange x Tahoe og. Suppose to be extreamly potent and tasty :)
Also getting some sr71 along with a few others.

He popped a few seeds already and they germinated and is above soil so he actually gets to try my cross before I do. Pretty excited for this new grow next yr! I will be watching yours again... you really are skilled!
cheers ganja gurl420 appreciate your sentiment, means a lot to me coming from the best monster plant grower on RIU! i would love to try growing some big plants like you do but my scene here only allows 6' height because of thieving neighbors, sounds like you have some fire crosses to play around with, that agent orange seems to be a great type to pollen chuck with as it crosses well with many types, im gonna have to give this seasons pollen chuck session a miss cos the fam needs more smokables, looks like it will be the 2020 season when i can throw some pollen around again!
cheers ganja gurl420 appreciate your sentiment, means a lot to me coming from the best monster plant grower on RIU! i would love to try growing some big plants like you do but my scene here only allows 6' height because of thieving neighbors, sounds like you have some fire crosses to play around with, that agent orange seems to be a great type to pollen chuck with as it crosses well with many types, im gonna have to give this seasons pollen chuck session a miss cos the fam needs more smokables, looks like it will be the 2020 season when i can throw some pollen around again!
That's awesome ...cant wait to see what we come up with :)
I wont be able to do the pollen chucks til next season when the outdoor are in flower then I will just do a couple buds on lower branches. So it won't be til 2021 til I see what I come up with lol
Ahhhh the wait lol
That's awesome ...cant wait to see what we come up with :)
I wont be able to do the pollen chucks til next season when the outdoor are in flower then I will just do a couple buds on lower branches. So it won't be til 2021 til I see what I come up with lol
Ahhhh the wait lol
the wait alright...hope i live long enough to do all the chucking planned, bout 7 solid years needed