400 hps Scrog flowering


Well-Known Member
we have been smoking the shit out of the afghooie..smoked about a quarter, and have about a quarter left, its been jarred up since yesterday..with the rest hanging in the closet..we've been so :eyesmoke: slept in all weekend..havent really done anything but be :eyesmoke:

the other plant hardly has any leaves left..and whats left is very yellow..and all stems are purple as shit..
but the buds are getting fat and trichy and have a unique purple and lime green coloration and smell so damn sweet, still plenty of white hairs
trics looked a mix of clear and cloudy
hope the buds will keep doing what their doing without any leaves

finals are coming up soon so after today im not really sure how much bongsmilie and being :eyesmoke: ill get to do
my life is going to be hell until we get a thanksgiving break when i get to relax and eat massive amounts of some of the finest dishes my family makes all while puffing some fine homegrown :bigjoint:
but first..school:cuss:

gino g13

New Member
Im impressed at what you did with such small plants. great job. you got the greenthumb my friend. How often did you fert and at what strenth. Just curious.


Well-Known Member
thanks gino..i fed them on average once a week..i water once at the beginning of the week and fed once towards the end.
i used bat guano(0-7-0) and molasses and occasionally i used a little fish emulsion.
i started at about 1 tablespoon gauno and one tablespoon of molasses and slowly increased to 2 tablespoons of each


Well-Known Member
Well, I can't answer as to whether she will keep growing or not, but she should finish maturing still. There are still leaves in the buds, and the buds will still absorbs light. I don't think that you will have any problem with her finishing. Keep an eye on her trichomes, to see when shes done, but it looks like she has matured alot in the last week even.


Well-Known Member
Ya probably not to much longer on that other plant couple weeks, buds look fat. It defiantly will finish plenty of leaf left on the buds. Nice job :eyesmoke: I would just start a good flush.


Well-Known Member
thanks dangreen..yeah i was thinking i might feed her one more time and then just water and molasses and hope she finishes soon enough.

stuffs feels good on my brain bongsmilie :eyesmoke: :sleep:


Well-Known Member
JG, did you use molasses on the afgoonie? I might try just a straight water flush, and see if you notice a differance.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the kind words everyone

the buds were dry enough to take out of the closet so i started to manicure them up and got about halfway done and had to go to class and give a speech.
im going to smoke a bowl and finish the job and weigh it up and run the numbers
so...ill get back to you with the final weight soon


Well-Known Member
ok now im stoned and buds are trimmed and weighed, total weight for the afghooie is 53g
im happy, she was the runt and managed to surprise the hell out of me:mrgreen:

cant wait to see what the other plant will weigh out to
oh yeah! i was fresh off a bong session this afternoon when i was looking at her today and came up with a name to call her
even though its kind of late in the season to be naming her but whatever i want to anyway
she will now be known as Fruity Pebbles... for her lime green, purple, and yellow coloration and her sweet aroma and sugary buds:weed:

man right now im wishing those 2 other plants hadnt turned out male
could have doubled my harvest..one of these days ill flower more than 2 plants
i really need to fuck around with cloning