400 Watt HPS bagseed grow with PICS!


Active Member
Just a little snip off the top of each as they were about as done as done could be but the lower buds still have 50% white pistils so theyll need another week or 2 atleast, when checked under a microscope all of what i cut is atleast 60% amber trich's with most all parts being >75%

lemme know how it looks, it looks a little better quality wise than what i had outdoor last year and not nearly as leafy as my other plant growing is

and remember its from SCHWAG SEED so dont come in here talking about its bunk blah blah blah...

here she goes...

ps...this was the first time ive checked trich's under microscope, kinda cool, i used to be a science nerd and that kinda brings it out in me lol



Well-Known Member
Man. What a ride your plants are putting you through. Your mini-harvest looks tasty though. I'm guessing your plants were going through some like indecision on whether or not they were in veg or flower. No clue why they would do that, just a hunch from the odd leaf growth so "late" in flowering. Def look out for any ways light could be getting to them more than 12 hrs.

I applaud you for your patience so far though. I would've pulled all my hair out and then cut those bit**es a few weeks ago, haha.


Hey Mr O. nice, ya did a hell of a decent job there.Just got my setup going I veg and clone(plan to)with 81 Watts Compact Flouro's in a small cabinet I built that sits on 1 side of my double door Bdr closet,vented to my attic with a 250 CFM air duct booster fan.Flowering with 400 HPS.Passive air intake so air is exhausted and replenished in the closet itself,passive air intake,Cracks around door assure this.I wanna send pics but for some reason they will not upload.Any suggestion's as to why not?Oh yeah got My Mich MJ Medical card,SAY YES TO MICHIGAN.


Active Member
gracias, hopefully its just the tip of the iceberg, its hanging up to dry now, as small as these little nuggets are id suspect theyll be dry enough by tmr or friday to get clipped and jarred, its amazing how LITTLE of an amount it takes of fresh pot to stink up the whole house, i def dont have a mansion but those 2 buds have effeciently stunk up 1200 sq feet in less than a few hours

i cant wait for the calyx's on the 5 headed one to swell up, im hopin for an 0 plus off that one and maybe around a half off the other one

congrats on your medical status too man, one day i hope to live in a more pot friendly area, as for now ill do my best to stick it to the man one homegrown blunt at a time

(next ill start a small tobacco plot for my leaves and a microbrewery/still so i can get all the sin tax out of my life!!) lol


Active Member
So i was thinking this has basically turned into a journal minus the veg part of the grow, i went back and looked through my old pictures and saw that i had a couple when they were young so ill post them week by week up to date and then later this afternoon/tonite i will have the week 12 flower pictures up, finally starting to see some brown hairs on the big one, harvested another inch or so of the 2 topper last night, looks like i will be drying/curing/smoking on the small one while i wait on the big one

anyways, here goes...and to the guy who said they look indica because sativa's triple in size....well take a good hard look at just how small these were when they began flowering...sativa all the way my dood

btw the 3rd picture was taken on the day i switched to 12/12, so id say they atleast tripled, maybe a bit more, not to mention they are draggin their asses, ive now been flowering for 3 FREAKING MONTHS!!



Active Member
Soo we're 12 weeks into flower now, ive harvested about 7 grams off the smaller plant, just gonna go node by node until its all the quality that im looking for, not really too concerned as im about to place an order to the 'tude and get some genetics i can work with this season

As you'll be able to see..still plenty of white hairs on the big bastard, the sides of the buds facing away from the light are finally starting to show some orange hairs and swollen calyx's, looks like its gonna be some super kill when it finally gets done, some head in the clouds hazy sh!t i hope...after whats prob gonna be 4 months of flowering i freakin better lol

all the bud shots that look done are the smaller one, im constantly checking the trich's (on the BUD) not the leaves, so please dont tell me they're done...ill know when they are, thank ya much :hump:

the last pic is of the first i cut (about 3-4g), now dried 1 week and jarred 1 week, burned a little, needs to be cured longer, short lived/energetic high as of right now

check'm out, lemme know what ya think



Active Member
On a side note..i was planning on ordering some seeds from the 'tude, particularly Greenhouse strains, planning on the indica variety pack (H i believe) Great White Shark, White Rhino, TrainWreck, Lemon Skunk, and Cheese......all feminized, and then a Regular pack of MasterKush for potential breeding down the road, maybe create a Kush Hybrid of Each and just create a stockpile of hybridized seeds for future grows??

Any thoughts or ideas on that? Im still a rep whore people just leave me some wisdom and ill impart a +REP on you...thanks for stopping by

goo.... fuckyourself San Diego??


Active Member
so still lookin at about 75% white pistils on the big one, ive cut the next node of buds off the 2 topper, been experimenting with different drying methods, i put some in a jar with the top off in the top of my closet for about 5 or 6 days and it smells twice as much as the other, might have to try that again

patience is wearing thin, went through my old pics and saw the premature bud i smoked last year and it inspires me to just wait it on and let the calyx's get nice and FAT...

did a little trimming so the undergrowth could start getting some light and i turned the plants both 180* so their opposite sides of bud are getting the primary light now, sry for rambling, here goes...

ps...got some new ones going, cant decide if i want a summer crop indoors or if i wanna just move them outside in a few weeks and grow some FUCKING MONSTERS...theyve all been topped for 4 colas via uncle ben's method

COMMENT FOR +REP!!! :clap:



Active Member
I think I have an idea why they are growing so slowly. It is one of the most common noob mistakes to use TRANSPARENT cups and plant boxes. I don't understand why people fail to notice this but there is a reason why plant pots are opaque. Roots do not like light. And yours are probably getting killed by the light. A slow and painful death. Everytime new roots emerge, they get killed. Growth get stunted and budding becomes very slow.

But it's just a theory on your plants' case as there could be many reasons why the buds were airy and growth is slow.

Good thing your new plants are no longer growing in transparent boxes :weed:


Active Member
i suppose its possible, idk how much light is transmitted through 5 COATS OF BLACK PAINT.....i shouldve used white im aware, but spray paint and plastic are a tough combo and i felt the black would be more opaque, im well aware of the effects of light on roots, the buds are actually quite dense, just a ton of leaf material on the one, the other had a reasonably high calyx/leaf ratio
The rim of the pots is still clear but thats because i felt half an inch of clear pot above the soil line wouldn't be a problem
My personal guess on their sluggishness is the ridiculous night/day temperature swings they were dealing with for a while, but thanks for stopping by, a little rep is sure to head your way


Active Member
So we're now 14 weeks into flower, geez, if i had some legit indica's goin i could be getting ready to harvest my 2nd round, these bastards are driving me crazy, but ive waited this long i might as well let them finish, finally starting to see some substantial calyx swelling in the big one and quite a few brown hairs, still a long way to go though

as for the 2 topper, ive harvested probably close to half of it so far, maybe not quite that much, ive smoked about 3.5g of it after a 1 week hang dry and a 2 week jar cure (if u can call a 2 week jar treatment a "cure") and lets just say it puts me to sleep, love it, tastes spicy yet sweet, smells very sharp

The little ones there at the bottom are about a month old, i still cant decide if i wanna keep vegging them and throw them outside or just put them in to flower with the other ones i have going right now, i had hoped to get the 400w mh on it but so far i think they look fucking superb to have just been under 2 23w cfl's, 1 per plant, ive supplemented 2 on 1 off waterings with fox farms grow big and topped about 2 weeks ago via uncle bens 4 cola method, wish me luck

sry for rambling, im stoned and gettin moreso as i type

comment for rep folks, i yearn for wisdom

and sorry to that last guy, i didn't mean to bite your head off, just felt like u hadn't looked through the thread but merely saw the clear 1" top and thought 'eureka':eyesmoke:



Active Member
Just wanted to say im going to start another grow, i usually dont overlap but these have taken so long i had some germinating, then they sprouted and so on and so forth meanwhile my flowering plants are still going soo....ive got a makeshift veg chamber for the time being, with nowhere near enough lumens but the plants seem to be doing ok, i have a 23watt cfl 6500k on each plant for 18 hrs a day

I topped them about 2 weeks ago above the 2nd node so i will effectively have 4 equal colas

Ive also been moderately lst'ing them, no tying, just regular bending and tucking leaves and whatnot so i will have some larger shoots instead of just baby popcorn when i kick it into flower

Anyways, ill still be posting my other grow on here, no reason to start a new thread, its still 400 watt hps bagseed grow soo...keep watching, and comment if you like

here they go, this is approximately 1 month old give or take about a week

the last one is some of the still curing bud from the 2 top plant!! it is purrrddyyy good:bigjoint:



Active Member
After almost 5 weeks of veg (unfortunately not under my mh) im putting the girls in the flower and putting the big ones on the back burner, maybe the less intense light will help them finish up quicker, so for now i just have a flower chamber, i may start some new ones soon as with bagseed there's a high probability ill have 2 hermies, ive got my fingers crossed, i have high expectations for one of these, the tighter noded one looks to have female preflowers...

anyway, heres a peek..

btw, tomorrow marks week 15 since i saw pistils on the big girl in the back, but i must say, her calyxs are swelling, i honestly think it may be an oz plus on the bigger cola, its effin huge, and it SMELLS SOOOOO SWEEET, like some type of juice, incredible



Active Member
Sooo, ive still got the big girls in there taking their time but ive moved them over to the side and they appear to be moving along however i think i may honestly have close to an ounce per cola (4 of'm) on the big one.

Last night i broke out what ive been slow drying (1-3 buds in a tin with the lid off in the top of the closet) and was amazed to see that i had one that remained ROCK HARD, it will not seperate into smaller buds, trust me i tried!!

but i am excited, total harvest from the small 2 top plant looks to be just a little under 2 oz, STOKED!

the big one smells like some kind of fruit, idk what, but it does not smell "pungent" the smell is very light and sweet, i look forward to setting her ablaze!

But anywayz, the new prospects...i weeded one male out last night and i have one that i cant tell, looks like it wants to hermie but im keeping my fingers crossed and waiting til i see them 'nanners, the other one appears to be a girl, and i had her pegged from the beginning, she just looked like a little lady, i dont have any pics of her yet, shes only got a few pistils showing, nothing to brag about yet

But heres a couple shots so you can see the 4 cola method doing its thing

And the FREAK bud, half ounce in the palm of your hand kinda thing i mean..

ENJOY...comment for +REP



Active Member
nahh, shes off to the side, ill throw some pics up later on today, 4 of her 5 cola's im expecting an oz a piece though, one of them is so fat i cant get both hands around it, she smells fucking delicious though, im hoping i have some dried and cured by 420, im holding onto some of the 2 topper just in case, gotta make sure i got my own smoke for the national smoke day


Active Member
Just a few pic's of the garden as of yesterday, they're a little droopy, i missed a day of watering but its under control, theyve been watered and nuted since (fox farms tiger bloom/big bloom as per the chart and a splash of grow big just for the stretch phase)

i hated to pull the male, that was a healthy looking plant, im getting better at my craft me thinks :)

The Big girl is still producing some white hair but all the side of the bud facing away from the light is close to ripe so im wondering if its just that sensitive, it has been rotated since, we shall see

anyways, here goes...:weed:

next post will be more thorough...IM HIGH AS FUCKKKKK...off some of the chopped down to nothing two topper in the front left of the full tent pic, what i burned has been cured 8 weeks (wow...how long have these plants been flowering :finger:) but its some goodness

thanks for commenting!



Active Member
i wish man, the 2 topper is pretty much done, it might be like a quarter or so still on there but not much, just lettin all the popcorn swell up..

the big sativa though, on 2 of the cola's shes just popped out like 4 new sets of buds covered in white pistils lol, shes on crack or something, she smells sooo good though, gah, like fresh fruit, hopefully in the next 10-15 days she'll be good, still drinking tons of water

just went and got me some more supplies today, i have 20 new seeds germinated and in soil now, will be expecting them to pop thru anyday, i germed about 30 seeds, my best germination rate yet, 27-32 (not to shabby for regular ol' scchwag seeds right?)

but im hoping to top all these for 4 colas and then clone the tops (will be my first attempt at that) but im just gonna grow the clones out in 24oz cups (mainly to tell sex since i have so many hermies dealing with this cheapass bagseed) but ideally i will have 6-10 females with 4 tops, they will be vegged for about a month or so and a few may end up outdoors for some mass production and some winter smoke

the newest girl is looking fantastic, perhaps ill throw some pics up tmr, im glad i checked on them tonite, forgot the time sprang forward, they missed about 30 minutes of sun but nothing major


Well-Known Member
So we're now 14 weeks into flower, geez, if i had some legit indica's goin i could be getting ready to harvest my 2nd round, these bastards are driving me crazy, but ive waited this long i might as well let them finish, finally starting to see some substantial calyx swelling in the big one and quite a few brown hairs, still a long way to go though

as for the 2 topper, ive harvested probably close to half of it so far, maybe not quite that much, ive smoked about 3.5g of it after a 1 week hang dry and a 2 week jar cure (if u can call a 2 week jar treatment a "cure") and lets just say it puts me to sleep, love it, tastes spicy yet sweet, smells very sharp

The little ones there at the bottom are about a month old, i still cant decide if i wanna keep vegging them and throw them outside or just put them in to flower with the other ones i have going right now, i had hoped to get the 400w mh on it but so far i think they look fucking superb to have just been under 2 23w cfl's, 1 per plant, ive supplemented 2 on 1 off waterings with fox farms grow big and topped about 2 weeks ago via uncle bens 4 cola method, wish me luck

sry for rambling, im stoned and gettin moreso as i type

comment for rep folks, i yearn for wisdom

and sorry to that last guy, i didn't mean to bite your head off, just felt like u hadn't looked through the thread but merely saw the clear 1" top and thought 'eureka':eyesmoke:
Looks great bruv, first indoor grow i had went 14 weeks+ flowering, but i dont blame that jus on the strain since my growing conditions wernt that great... ur bagseed looks alot better than the stuff i had, im looking forward to the next set. Well done good luck! Bunstinky allday everyday!