
Well-Known Member
The grows looking great man, love the fridge idea. Pretty sick. SCROG i dont believe increases yield, its more for organization. Nice because come end of flowering all of your buds just are laying on top of the screen. keep up the good work, cant wait to see the finished product.


Well-Known Member
fatbuddz, Purple Kush Is also One of my favorite strains !!
My previous harvest was Purple Kush too, But unfortunately I had to move.
So I had to chop her down early, 5 weeks of flowering.
I wish I could have let it go for another 3 weeks.
It would have been so much more killer than it was..
Ohh well, what are you gonna do right !!
Thats why it sucks renting and growing, because shit like this is inevitable.

Ievolution, Thanks for stopping by to take a look at things.
I thought the fridge was a pretty sick idea also !!


Well-Known Member
So I decided to remove the restraints and to let her grow freely.
Do you think that this was a good idea or bad idea ??
Because I want to get a bunch of clones off of her before I put her into flower.
I have taken 9 cuttings that have sucessfully rooted already from her.
I plan to use these clones outdoor this year.
I plan on growing about 50-60 Purple Kush plants outdoor this year !!
This could end up being one stinky outdoor guerilla grow !!

After removing the restraints from this plant, it looks very similar to a bonsai.

Enjoy The Pictures !!




Well-Known Member
Growingwild, I have been hearing from alot of people lately through private messages that they want to tear there fridges apart also.


Well-Known Member
My first grow ended in a 4ft standing freezer turned stealth cab.. The best set-up ever for growing cheap and discrete in your home. Looks awsome man, keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
SimplySmoked, What were you using for lights, you total height when finished, yield.
Sorry about all the questions, but you know !!
Thanks !!


Well-Known Member
Thats looking fantastic mate, it's been a while since I last checked on your grow and I cant believe the progress you have made. Good job.

It makes me think wither its worth my while forking out £130 quid for a budbox tent when I could just buy an old fridge from the scrappy and stick it in my garage.


Well-Known Member
you might want to put the ties back on. Without them, she will try to put herself back in the upright position and reach for the sky. I would keep her ties for height control.


Active Member
beauty. love the fridge too!

working on a fridge of my own. should be ready soon. i will probaly only use a 250 watt hps though i believe it would be plenty good.

planning on dwc scrog using a tote and 3 to 4 clones. attaching the screen to 1/2 inch pvc frame attached to the lid.

been doing alot of research on scrog lately and the purpose is to get maximum yeild out of limited space. So iwould say it in creases yeild becuase all the buds get the same amount of light instead of just the tops. a scrog will prodce a bunch of smaller buds. no donkey dicks. I plan to use 3 to for plants fill the screen up faster and still get the furious growth that i have read about from flowering clones early.

i think i will get some purple kush myself. what is your strain?


Well-Known Member
beauty. love the fridge too!

working on a fridge of my own. should be ready soon. i will probaly only use a 250 watt hps though i believe it would be plenty good.

planning on dwc scrog using a tote and 3 to 4 clones. attaching the screen to 1/2 inch pvc frame attached to the lid.

been doing alot of research on scrog lately and the purpose is to get maximum yeild out of limited space. So iwould say it in creases yeild becuase all the buds get the same amount of light instead of just the tops. a scrog will prodce a bunch of smaller buds. no donkey dicks. I plan to use 3 to for plants fill the screen up faster and still get the furious growth that i have read about from flowering clones early.

i think i will get some purple kush myself. what is your strain?
Hey polecat. I have been running scrogs for a few grows now, so if you have any questions feel free to ask, the link in my sig is my journal if you want to see my current grow, and if you do look in it, you can get a sea of donkey dicks with a scrog....

thats 5 plants under a 400w light.


Well-Known Member
I've had those before (if they're the same) and they are irritating when your in your room. They always fly in your face and in latter flower, they tend to get stuck to your buds. They didnt seem to do any damage, they were just real annoying.
Integra21, I'm sure they are the same pests, as you described them perfectly.
It's glad to know that they are not going to mess things up.
Cheers !!
guys is there any way to get rid of those pests


Well-Known Member
Thee are the traditional methods like sprays and bug bombs. But I just heard some great things about Hot Shot No Pest strips. They look like air fresheners and they sell them at home depot. Mught want to try those first before the all out warfare. Otherwise the bug bombs work great. They get every where, my air pump sucked it up and killed all the bads in my res without damaging the roots or plant in any way. Just be careful and follow the directions and safety precautions to the t if you go the bomb route.


Well-Known Member
That's one bad ass fridge. I started one of those years ago when I did my first indoor grow. I didn't have the right tools, extra $, or time to complete it. I may try a DIY one with cool tube dual 150 HPS in my free time after seeing yours.

Im stoned

DAAAAAMN! I just found this and have been reading it since i found it. Subbed! I havent grown and im a total noob , so ill throw in my 2 cents when i can.