Well-Known Member
fattbudzz, I think I might just go with chicken wire, cheers !!
Hey polecat. I have been running scrogs for a few grows now, so if you have any questions feel free to ask, the link in my sig is my journal if you want to see my current grow, and if you do look in it, you can get a sea of donkey dicks with a love the fridge too!
working on a fridge of my own. should be ready soon. i will probaly only use a 250 watt hps though i believe it would be plenty good.
planning on dwc scrog using a tote and 3 to 4 clones. attaching the screen to 1/2 inch pvc frame attached to the lid.
been doing alot of research on scrog lately and the purpose is to get maximum yeild out of limited space. So iwould say it in creases yeild becuase all the buds get the same amount of light instead of just the tops. a scrog will prodce a bunch of smaller buds. no donkey dicks. I plan to use 3 to for plants fill the screen up faster and still get the furious growth that i have read about from flowering clones early.
i think i will get some purple kush myself. what is your strain?
I've had those before (if they're the same) and they are irritating when your in your room. They always fly in your face and in latter flower, they tend to get stuck to your buds. They didnt seem to do any damage, they were just real annoying.
guys is there any way to get rid of those pestsIntegra21, I'm sure they are the same pests, as you described them perfectly.
It's glad to know that they are not going to mess things up.
Cheers !!