400 Watt HPS White Widow x Trans Siberian x California Hash Autoflower closet grow

so her leaves are drooping some more but starting to curl upwards on the tips???? what's going on? it has to be some kind of deficiency because temps are perfect and it's cant be over watering I wanted once every 7 days or whenever soil is dry 2 inches down

Also I ordered 5 Super Skunk Autos from attitude today! Now I can keep my light schedule on the same 20/4, but introduce new plants about 3 weeks from now (5 weeks into beginning grow) and keep swapping 5 plants in and out of there for a harvest over other month or so :)!
Its looks fine imo. some autos grow fuked up leaves when everthing is right on. You have to think that the cells of an auto plant are multiplying so fast, it may cause some yellow spots, tip curl, twisted leaves and its normal. if you were growing 10+ plants of the same strain and everyone was doing that, then I would say somethings wrong. just let it do its thing, you could try a light folar feed to the undersides of the leaves in the mean time and see if that helps?
added a couple CFLs

growing up :)

also guys I have some temp issues :/ temps in my attic where I'm pulling air in from raised up and temps in my room get to like 87 degrees:( is it gonna hurt her? i will be making mods soon to fix the issue but it may not be for a few days
Here's a video update for you guys if you're interested :)

well nobody really likes to post here so idk why I'm asking but I'd really like your opinions guys my plant is starting to wilt almost daily? nothing is being changed at all everything is kept constant. so why will they perk up one day and wilt another?

Wassup bro don't worry I'll post here. Told you I'm subbed up just been pressed for time with new job. She's been looking very good but are you feeding her??? What's your schedule feed, plain water, feed, plain water. Oh and since she's flowering now she's gonna need some bloom nutes. Also see if you can get your light closer. I know you got the other plant in there but that might help some and are those brown spots on her??? Can't really tell but that might be your problem. What ph is your water too; your medium could be hot. Keep updating will try to help all I can
I'm convinced she just starts to droop before night time.... she does it every night and nothing changes in the environment and in the morning she's right back up again! here's some pics

Bad news too... my fan fell on my NL seedling that was already struggling as it is and completely threw it out of the pot, I picked up the plant and transplanted it into a very small smart pot gave her a SMALL water and put her under 2 CFLs, do you think she will make it?

wow! I'm simply amazed by how many tops she has..... I lstd her for a couple of days there's no way I've gotten this many off of just that!

tell me what you guys think I counted 7 tops all around the plant

(droopy cause I tucked the fan leaves in and they always droop before the lights go out)

And here's a video for a closer look y'all

she's an autoflower today was 3 weeks from sprout

leaves picked themselves back up but the tops came out already to pick up the rays :) added extra CFLs in there too about 400 watts of HPS and 85 of cfls
You see that claw? Looks like nitrogen toxicity to me. What nutes are you using right now and how much? Do you know how much NPK you have?
yes! I do see the claw lol I thought that might've been a new growth thing cause once they get big they don't claw

I'm using FFOF in 5 gal bucket with botanicare granular