Screwed up the date on the second pic. They were taken a week apart. Will post weekly pics. Botanicare nutes @ 1400ppm. This is a friends grow....let me know what you think so far.
Thanks DownOnWax the dates are actually 9/26/10 and 10/3/10. Batteries were low on the camera and I didn't reset the date. Got new batteries now lol.
Thanks CaNuck. Yep, its in a 4x4x6 tent with a 6inch and a huge homemade carbon filter. It smells a little now....excited to find out how stinky it will become!
I'm excited for you too, bro! Ice is a very very potent strain. Killer. You'll love it. And it's gonna smell like dying skunks in there.. Four plants even overpowered my canfan carbon filter. Had to supplement with some Ona too.