400 Watt Purple Kush Grow


Hi, it's been a few years since I grew last and I'm back at it again! :mrgreen: Ever since Overgrow went down I haven't been able to find a good website for growing until I found this site which is very good!

Anyways so I'm growing in a spare closet which is kind of an odd shape, I can't remember the dimensions exactly but it's somewhere around 35 - 40 inches square. I built a small 3 inch frame around the walls on the floor and laid some panda poly in there so I don't have any water damage on the floor, it's been working well. The light is just a regular sylvania metal halide while I'm vegging and I will swap it for a HPS next week when I flip to to 12/12. The ballast is digital made by lumatek. I'm using advanced nutrients micro, grow, bloom with several of their other products, I use a nice little probe type PH meter that I calibrate at 4ph and 7ph to stay accurate, it's been working well. For EC I'm using a Truncheon which I love. I'm using a very nice and quiet 4 inch inline fan on a small carbon filter with acoustic ducting. I have some sort of filter cloth for my intake which is passive and low on the floor. The door is just panda poly with two tarp zippers. I'm looking for suggestions on how to make it completely stealth while still preserving the intake and exhaust so if you have an idea I'm listening.



Here there are about two minutes before turning the lights on. I put them threw a 30 hour dark period to kick start the flowering and switched from metal halide to HPS(gotta love digital ballasts!) Anyways here are some pics.



They've stopped stretching and are starting to bud. Nothing new to report other than I took off some of the lower leaves because they were reducing the airflow around the plants. I'm gonna do a soil PH test this weekend and I may flush them once before I start my week 4 nutes. Oh and I also set up another bigger closet grow with a 1000 watter and a nice ebb and flow set up with hydroton, I will post pics soon and start another journal for that one.
