400 watt purple kush,sd grapefruit, strawberryblue grow!!!

Hello all, i hope you all had a very merry X-mas and a safe and crazy New Year as well..As for me mine was just fine, as much as i like to smoke the buds i also get a huge kick out of watching others smoke as well and my holliday season was filled with good smoke stories for years to come there is nothing like watching someone else smoke your shit you grew in a box and tell you how f*****g high they are and how good the bud is..Hey even if they dont believe you grew it in a amoire..lol

But i just wanted to stop in and invite all of you that are growing some form of kush strain to check out my new group i started for the New year it is strickly for Kush fans and those that know lots about it as well as those that need to know about this great strain of bud..So join me if you can or if you will i would realy love to have you chop it up...Peace Check it out it's in my sig (Kushmen)
You were at the top of the list bro..lol welcome home...Pass the word around by the time this club gets up and running good i want to be a Kush Master!!!!!