400 Watts HPS...THC BOMB...First Grow


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow, it looks amazing to me so far, I need experienced eyes to guide me along the way.

A little about me:

I been a smoker for 2 years, and am a college student. It sucks because I STARTED smoking on Reg/Middies/Schwag/ soo im really excited to be growing sensi. Where I live theres a lot of shitty weed period, and if you want the "rare" stuff then your paying 20/25 a g. Thats too much for me when its not even that great (some of the shit i've seen on here is amazing:eyesmoke:). I said to myself, "FUCK THAT SHIT!" And started ordering equipment.

THC Bomb Seeds
2'8x2'8x5'3 SPACE.
400 watt HPS (considering getting MH bulb)
170CFM fan Sucking air out.
80 CFM fan BLOWING air in.

SLIGHTLY Organic ;-)
FF Nutes. Grow Big, Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom
Liquid Karma
Earth Nectar
Earth Ambrosia

For the soil I had Light Warrior and transplanted into Ocean Forest.

I've been using nothing but water so far, but was going to add some superthrive + BB tomorrow. I think they are growing pretty slow for two weeks (2 sets of leaves), but I just moved them under the HPS soo...

Anyways today marks the second week of my grow.
The first 10 days they were growing slow. (had them in 16oz cups +FFLW soil + CFLS)
On the 10th day I switched the lighting, Transplanted into 3gal containers and watered.

I did my homework but theres still a lot you experienced growers can help me with. I will be posting every week/as things change.



Well-Known Member
there just seedlings, people usually dont get too excited over them. But take it as a good sign because no one felt it was necessary to comment because everything in your grow looks legit. Good luck, and no one should ever pay 20-25 a g,ur getting jacked.


Well-Known Member
Hey man. You have a great set up. My seedlings were stunted at the same point as yours are. It was because I needed to transplant. Your soil looked a little dry in the picture. Don't water until it is completely dry obviously, but when they are seedlings like yours are, the roots are still very close to the soil surface (dries very quick) so grab a spray bottle and keep that soil moist within a fingers length deep. And also make sure your checking your soils and waters pH. Get some testers or a meter for cheap and worth it. I make sure my soil is no higher than 7.0 at all times. It makes a huge difference in growth speed and foliage health. Hope that helped a little bit bro.

If you want check out my first grow under a 400W HPS.



Well-Known Member
Thanks man.

Tomorrow I will take pictures. It will be the fourth day not feeding them, they are going to be hungry.:hump:

I will be using super-thrive 1 drop per gallon and see what that does until my next water. Maybe even add some liquid karma in there too?

Hopefully they do ok


Well-Known Member
Yeah I feed mine FloraBloom, FloraMicro, and FloraGrow with Diamond Nectar and some Molasses. I just started feeding them only two cups each feeding because they soak up all the nutrients faster and then I can feed them again 2 days later. That way they are below moist after two days and I can feed again giving them more nutes.


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody, its been a while.
Here are some pics.

They've shot up like they were on crack while I was away:mrgreen:
How do they look?


Well-Known Member
No replies?

I was going to bend the top stem sideways promoting the lower branches to get light. Then LST those branches that pop out sideways in the future to get the most bang out of this.

What should I watch out for, so I don't uproot my plant, or break the stem.
I was going to tie it at a 45 degree angle instead of 90 to SLOWLY decrease because I DO NOT want to fuck this up.. Plus i've been reading a lot of LST information.

The nutes I plan to use for this feeding are
1TSP Big Bloom
1TBS Grow Big
1TSP Liquid Karma
Maybe a little super-thrive but not too sure yet.

Sound Good?


Well-Known Member
sounds fine, u usually can tell when the stem is about to break. I tie it down just before the stem breaks and its never been a problem for me.


Active Member
so no new updates? im about to harvest two lowryder 2s in 5 days and then i have a 9 week old thc bomb ive been vegging that i will switch to flowering the day i harvest. are yours big? have you started flowering yet?