4000W Medicial Purple Kush 256 Plant Ebb and Flow SOG Grow


Well-Known Member
Looks good gonna watch maybe missed it but whats the under the rockwool cubes i tried sure to grow it sucks hold to much water


Well-Known Member
just checkin in brotha seeing that ive missed more then i thought i will have to do sum catchin up lol.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry there Boomer, we were all a little left in the dark about this 1 until it was a bit into the other haha...


Active Member
Hi there,

Its been a week or so since rbahadosingh's last post so I wanted to see if he can post an update. His plants should be getting some nice white hairs by now and looking sharp.

Are you out there?

BTW, thanks so much for posting. Your threads are always informative. Mine is a little larger in total wattage (8 thousand watters in the bloom area) but, since I am set up to harvest every 2 weeks, I only have 2 lights worth at any stage at any time. I always seem to learn something new when I read his, Al's or TLD's posts. Thanks all.


Well-Known Member
DUDE PLEASE PLEASE cut some of your FAN LEAVES. I really do think they take up a LOT of energy and lumens just to stay green and alive. Why not have fewer fan leaves sucking up more lumens with less shadow than more and having those extra leaves trying to sustain themselves?

i think of it like taking cuttings (clones). Basically some people CUT their leaves in half because they take up too much energy to stay alive before the roots get going. Sure the roots fix all this but what if all that extra energy was spent on cola production rather than sustaining leaf strength and life?
Those fan leaves act as solar panels for your plant, you DO NOT want to remove those. From Jorge Cervantes' book:

Leave leaves alone! Leave removal is not pruning, it is hacking up a healthy plant. Ill-informed growers believe that removing large scale shade leaves makes plants more productive because it supplies more light to smaller leaves and growing tips. Wrong! This is bad gardening. Plants need all their leaves to produce the maximum amount of chlorophyll and food.

And people cut the leaves of clones in half to slow transpiration, not because they take up energy to stay alive.


Well-Known Member
i dont think ill cut the fan leaves all the way off. the ones that are huge and blocking other plants ill cut in half. i think that way i get the best of both worlds.
I think you are on the right track with your pruning. I have been experimenting with fan leaf trimming myself and find the more you can leave the better the growth. I to trim cut the fans in half before removing. Ed says to trim the big fans off the top part of the bud and anything that is shading/blocking light from hitting the bud. If you have light movers, it helps to get light down in spaces between the leaves so you can leave more of them on. Also, IMHO when you trim too many fans during flower you stunt the growth of the buds. just my two cents~

Here is a quote from a Ed Rosenthal book I have.
"Fan leaves are the plants sugar factories. Sugar fuels both plant metabolism and growth. Trimming the shade leaves results in less growth and ultimately, smaller buds. Shade leaves should be clipped off or trimmed only when they block light, the energy source, from getting to the growing buds. If only parts of the leaves are shading the buds, they can be trimmed rather than removed." 'The Best of Ask Ed'


nice!!!! +rep
Looking good there bud keep up the good work!! :D
Thank you. it's my 4k purple kush vs his 4k purple kush. I missed the opportunity to go all SOG this round so topped all the plants a couple of times and split the batch into two trays and 4 lights. I really want to see the difference in yield. I'm actually hoping his will yield more so I can end my internal debate of veg time vs no veg time.

Here's another look.


Well-Known Member
I am curious of the results too. I really think the veg time is the key, but I haven't tried the sog thing yet. My pk yeilded more with less plants and more veg time though. I will be standing at the finish line though to see who wins this one.


Well-Known Member
Very nice those buds are starting to really look good bro.
thanks man. i think the bloombastic is definately is worth the money. i think they are swelling faster than before. ive been comparing them to some of my old pictures and i dont think they were this big at this many days. only time will tell.


Well-Known Member
my god this grow is epic. Please sweet jesus let me grow like this guy one day.

* gets on one knee and prays

lol. for real though, way to live the dream.


:clap: Wowzer, I don't think it's even a question that you'll yield more. That is so much bud per sq. foot and all looking very nice btw.

You better watch out though, this is what I got brewing next. :-P

2 rooms, 8,000 Watts, 4 Trays and Al B. style clones.