400W, 5 Plants, Indoor, First Grow


Scientia Cannabis
yooo been on a weird as fuck sleeping schedule hardly ever awake when the lights are on, blueberry headband is due next week.

oaksterdam and silver skunk and bagseed are about a week in, pretty big already but im depressed cause I didnt train the oaksterdam, so it's kindof just a plain plant.

anyways, I was wondering... how would I go about changing their schedule?
They are on at 6:30AM off at 6:30 PM... I want it completely the opposite... on at 6:30 PM off at 6:30 AM..

do I just leave the light off until 6:30PM and then restart their shit?
anywho, i will stay awake and get some pics when the lights come on.

A significant light scheduling change like that is probably going to stress your plants.
The best thing to do is probably to give them some darkness in between, it's the method which stresses the plants the least.


Well-Known Member
Leave em dark till desired time of starting lights on ..You will have no problems as long as its just once or twice... more then that :(


Well-Known Member
i had to do that one time when we had a power outage at my old spot. it was 24hrs dark at week 5 of flowering and the rest of the plants were on 24/7 and had the same 24hrs without light. i picked back up with the 12/12 but it was at least 8-10 hr difference from the photoperiod they started with/ they still finished out just fine and didnt hermie on me or seem stressed much if at all.


Well-Known Member
ive been an asshole and havent updated this shit.
i got 3 plants almost done flowering, and i started 3 TGA seeds called The Flav

getting a 10 pack of agent orange tomorrow and 3 other strains.
posting pictures TOMORROW FOR SURE, I LUHH YOU GUYS <3


Well-Known Member
I had a problem, apartment complex had to come do an anual check of the apartment...

So I had to completely take apart both my tents and hide my girls in the corner of my closet then put everything back together.
shitty thing is, lights on at 6AM... guy came at 9AM... so they got stressed a little for sure, they are on a 9AM - 9PM schedule now.

The Flav seedlings are on their second set of leaves, lookin really nice I must say.
Can't wait to get more strains going.

These plants in flower got veg'd under the T5's..
I'm hoping they will be done by the time "TheFlavs" are still small.
I want to switch out my HPS with my MH and veg these ones out pretty big, get a good yield.
Also want to train alot, these plants I have now are pretty basic.. one big cola. lame.

anyways, i'll post some pictures in a bit.
if anyone has any suggestions on strains i'm all ears.
sleeping schedule is still jacked... up all night and shit.

I woke up frantically the other day because I looked at the clock, thought it was 5AM... and thought my lights didnt turn off at 9PM previous night.
... then I realized it was 5PM and I smoke too much crack.