400w Auto Grow...

Straight up G

New Member
Graces isn't far from worms way, maybe me and my partner will check it out on the way to worms way, we need to go in a couple of weeks to pick up our supplies for our next experiment. I don't vape all the time either, I have a bamboo bong I made about seventeen years ago that I smoke daily. It's held together with jb weld but I love it. My partner is on his way over for some ph up, we'll smoke a couple of bags when he gets here. I don't think I could stand to vape all the time, I would be picking pieces of my lungs up off the floor.

I'm growing two thc bombs, one caramelicious and three bagseed. I have them bent and tied to shower curtain rods. The buds along the stem are starting to grow nicely and the frost is coming. They already smell better at four weeks than my first grow at the end.

We'll talk.
What do you mean picking pieces of your lungs up, dont vapourizers remove many harmfull substances caused by combusting weed and are known by most to be far less hazardous than smoking?


Well-Known Member
ok guys.. i'll get the hounds... you get the flash lights and torches... LETS HEAD OUT!!

hopefully he IS just stoned under a tree sleeping or some shit..


Well-Known Member
I was thinkin mabey he just got stuck to one of his cola's of super ultra dank. He should be able to survive on ganja alone till someone free's him............. I hope

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Shouldnt his been done by now.

Wow Just to fill you guys in on soemthing Im watching 911 stuff on History channe;l.
I ate 2 brownies I used Butter I made.
Fuckkked uuppp.
I feel spacey and so body numb.

Where the Fuck is GKN??


Active Member
Shouldnt his been done by now.

Wow Just to fill you guys in on soemthing Im watching 911 stuff on History channe;l.
I ate 2 brownies I used Butter I made.
Fuckkked uuppp.
I feel spacey and so body numb.

Where the Fuck is GKN??
haha nice yea ive been wondering where gkn hopefully we didnt lose another grower to the system....


Well-Known Member
yea.. ive officially began having that sinking feeling that something not so good happened to our good friend GKN... although i will knock on wood until my knuckles bleed, i have an ill feeling...


Well-Known Member
Whats really wierd is someone keeps signing on his account. GKN last sign in was 9/16 but last post 8/18. I really hope GKN is ok man, starting to get a shaky feeling but will keep my fingers crossed for him.


Well-Known Member
that is odd.. really odd...

you know it cant be him.. he would have updated by now.. he was religious about his daily pics...

his last post he said he was going to go take pics and be back.. then.... nothing......

well i hope everything is alright.. we all do..


Well-Known Member
We shall keep this thread alive in honor of GKN, so I wil update on my diesal ryders. I started 5 ryders about 1 month ago (right when GKN disappeared), 3 males and 2 females. 1 male has purple pollen sacs and another male is nice and strong. I'm going pull the other male today, he is small and weak looking. I'ts amazing how fast these things flowered!! I thought something was wrong with the plants at first, like a bug ate them, but they were just flowering! So I'm going to grow these out and hopefully get a nice amount of seeds. Now should I keep the males seperate from the females until they have a lot of pistils? Or do you guys just keep the plants your going to seed(male and female) together until they are done?


Well-Known Member
if you plan on breeding them just keep them together until the end... that will do the trick and ensure a large seed crop...

i wish i had my soon-to-be 4000w+ flower room set up... after i get through this harvest i'm setting up the flower room of my dreams.. and while i have plants vegging in my veg room i am going to fill my flower room up with autos.. should have at least 30 or so... that would be a nice tribute to be able to show..

is this your first grow with autos??


Active Member
yo grizz i got some diesel ryders going too and are about a week and a half from harvest i pollinated mine about a week into flowering and only did a few bud sites pollen then spread into the center by the stalk im looking to pull maybe half a oz off her shes real sticky when you touch the buds for being seeded its making some decent sized buds and is covered with tons of trichs ill post some pics here let me know what you guys think

