400w cab grow RDWC


I did have a thread up, went to update and couldnt find it, hmmm???

Anyhow I have grow space 5'x5'x2' which has a cooltube 400HPS with it own 6" inline. A 112cfm centrifugal pulling through scrubber, and a 4" inline for intake. Temps peak at 32D / 89F, and nights are 15c / 59f. Working on the temps.

Nutes are ROCK a & b, Cyco swell, flairform SilikaMagik, and Heisenberg bene tea.

I was having issues with heat stress and light leaks. At around day 30 of flower I made a few changes, and think i have fixed the issues.

The buds have recovered and are becoming denser, and resin production is getting better each day, but recon the buds are, and will always be airy on this grow.
Heres some photos of progress.

Hot from far, but far from hot.


Cheers Dutch, I will surely follow your progress. Nice looking buds also.
Photo no 4 was taken about 2-3 weeks ago, and photo no 2 was 2 days ago. I made significant changes to combat light leaks and hot night time temps. I'm stoked I did this, as they are packing on the weight and resin production since the changes. Pity it took so long for the penny to drop.
I'm a real horey, iv misplaced my 60x scope, so I'm using binoculars backwards to check the trichs.
heres a bit of an update. I am at day 60 plant 1 and 3. the maturest one on the Right (3) is doing well. The last 3weeks has seen an explosion in the size of buds. The resin production has been good, but I have seen better. I think the first 35days were a big time waster, and once I resolved the light leaks and heat issues, the grow was saved. So I am thankful for what I have. The left one (1) is about 2weeks behind, but is doing great. The one in the middle (2) i am very interested in. This has had little to no stress. It has been in the chamber for 18days, and is looking healthy. perhaps a little light green, but i am ok with this.DSC04850.jpgDSC04866.jpgDSC04867.jpgDSC04865.jpgDSC04860.jpgDSC04862.jpgIMAG0247.jpgIMAG0249.jpgIMAG0249.jpgIMAG0251.jpg

I also made a new system on the weekend for my outdoor vegetables. Its a 6 site double bucket system (hempy maybee??) . All buckets are linked at the bottom, and are filled by pump from the rez under table. One bucket has an overflow pipe cut at required water height. I have filled the top buckets with perlite, and drilled very small holes often, for drainage into the lower bucket. I have copied this system from Flowamaster, but have changed it to ebb & flow style fill, instead of top feed by Halo.Waiting on seeds to germ before I crank this up.
Plant on right was harvested at day 71. I had issues for the first 35days, but pulled it back at the end. I am happy so far with judged yield and aroma. I am awaiting for a 55% RH inside my jar before I weigh the plant in. I have already turned 1/3 of the scrappy buds into butter, and the other prime 2/3rds is in the jar.
The plant far left has always looked horrible, but hey im still stoaked it has frosted up. Yield will be alot less, as this doesnt get the best light.

The middle plant, I am excited about. This plant is on day 36, and luckily was introduced after solving the issues which both Left and Right had to endure.
The frost on this middle one, passes anything I have grown so far. So I am hoping for a good size frosty yield in a months time.

Stay tuned for the weigh in in the following days
The glass beer bottle is 330ml


I think I just twigged onto something quite simple. The first day of flower is when the pistils first appear?? If this is so, then my days are far out. I count from the day i enter them into the flower chamber.

I couldnt resist filling the empty site after the last harvest. So now you will see a new clone on the left under the big black fan. It has many a tops, I count 24, and cant wait to see what it does.

The far left is the last of the problem plants. It is stocking up well, but doesnt have trichs on the fan leaves like the middle one. This middle one is day 39 in the cab, and is starting to fill out. It has spat out single blades in the cola, not sure if this is a temps issue, as the lower buds are not having the same issue. Frosting up well so I am happy.

The plant just recently harvested weighed in at 63grams. 1/3rd of the harvest went straight to butter before weigh in, as I didnt want to groom it. So I am happy with the result.

few pics, Must get a better camera for macro shots