400w+ CFL - Multi Strain - 12/12 From Seed - Perpetual Grow


Well-Known Member
Hello RIU Members,

Well my start to this new thread was my OG Kush plant, that turned out male. Now that I have more lighting, different plants, and going to go on with my perpetual grow, I decided to make a more fitting thread.

I'm working with a small spaced, estimate 2ft deep, 2ft wide, 3 1/2 ft tall. As of right now I'm running about 300watts but I'm getting bulbs this week so I will be running 6x 68w CFLs. I use my own home-made super soil mixtures so no nutes are used. I will be using 2-3 gallon pots. Any training that is needed if they get to tall will be done.

For my perpetual grow, I will be aiming for at least 2-3 oz dry every month. I figured 2-3 plants could cover that.

My first three plants will be two random nug bag seed, and one Sweet Seed's Green Poison seed.

I will post pictures of the set up later, I am still waiting for the sprouts.

Subscribe and follow along,

Happy Growing,


Well-Known Member
Update: May 31st 2012

Nothing too new besides that my first seed to my perpetual has sprouted today. It is Sweet Seed's Green Poison Femd. I'm hoping for good results
Another seed cracked and had a good tap root forming so I planted that today as well.

Day 1 of Green Poison - Sprout

Sub+ :)

Stay green,


Well-Known Member

My lights turn on at 9am and turn off at 9pm. I am going to try to take the pictures at the same time, each time, to get a more exact growth comparising. So I will be posting the pictures before the lights go out.

Day 1 Green Poison


Well-Known Member
June 3rd, 2012

Nothing too new, another seed sprouted but I dont have a picture of it. It is a random bagseed. I also planted another bag seed I'm expecting to pop soon.

It is day 4 of the green poison, and she is looking a little small, but super healthy.

Sub n follow :)



Well-Known Member

Sorry for the pictureless update today, feeling lazy but wanted to log.

I now officially have 3 plants sprouted. My Green Poison is on day 5 sprouted on the 31st of may, my first random bagseed (called R1) sprouted on June 2nd, my second random bagseed (R2) sprouted today June 4th.

Now I play the waiting game.


Well-Known Member
Update: June 5th, 2012

Well I was bored and didn't post any pictures on my last update so I figured I'd do some pictures.

Have been feeding them small amounts of water through a spray bottle, in a few days the more mature ones will get their first thorough watering.

Green Poison Day 6

R1 Day 5

R2 Day 2



Well-Known Member

Just thought I would share how well these seedlings are looking compared to even yesterdays pictures.

R2 and my Green Poison's leaves are almost straight up eating up that light, very good improvement. Even R1 that was really droopy its first couple days is having a nice comeback.

I think it was insufficient water, but things are looking up. It's week 1 for my Green Poison today so hopefully 7-9 weeks more weeks.


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU members,

It's been awhile since I've updated. Not much has changed besides growth. R2 is doing poorly and thinking about uprooting it. R1 and the Green Poison are looking well and healthy. I think they look small for their ages but they look happy. Here are the pictures.

Green Poison:



Let me know what you think, subscribe, ect. lalala stoned



Well-Known Member
Hey RIU Members,

I haven't updated for awhile so I'll tell you whats up.

Green Poison is doing great, deff female with pistils startin' to pop everywhere. Growing in a nice bush form.
R1 is staying very small, but is also a female. Some pistils coming in.
R2 turned hermi on me, so I bagged it.

I'm getting more dirt and pots tomorrow, so I'll be starting three new plants, maybe four.

Well enough with the words, here are the pictures.

Here is the Green Poison plant, sitting at 36 days from seed. It is 10 inches tall and 8-9 inches wide. Tons of bud sites and branching, great bush plant.

Here is the R1 plant, sitting at 30 days. And it's a small 6 inches tall and 7 inches wide. It's odd though it did not branch out at all, just stay going straight up, almost like an auto-flower.

Let me know what you think, subscribe, blah blah, get high.


Well-Known Member

Both the green poison and the R1 plants are doing great. Green poison is sitting at 12x12 for size, literally perfect bush. The other is is 12in tall and 10in wide, but 10in counting fan leaves. The green poison is 12in wide with the actual bud site branch. If I just couting to the branches its only 3in probably wide. Its an odd random seed, but most are.

Since the pots they are in now weren't in the original design I could do a 2x3 perfect pot setup.

As of now I have two 10in diameter, 5in deep pots. Those are the ones I'm using now. And I'm adding two 8in diameter, 8in deep pots tomorrow. I put them in a diamond setup, but had to take two 68watt bulbs out to fit the plants there, since my lights are like at a V.

So with this set up now I'm running 4x 68w CFLs and 1x 23w CFL. So almost 300w of CFL. All 2700k ran 12/12 from seed.

The two need seeds are more random ones since I can't exact get my hands on legit seeds. I'll put them under the lights tomorrow morning and it will be their day one. I think I might name them this time instead of random 1 and random 2 haha.

Pictures will come tomorrow when everything is all put together. I'm excited for these new plants.


Well-Known Member
Hello hello,

I don't have pictures but I'll be taking some later today. My green poison is looking great, its 61 days from seed today. My R2 seed is doing alright, its around 55 days.

I also started two new seeds around 3 weeks ago, and one already showed sex. It's odd and both are small. You'll see once the pictures are up.

Soon to come pictures



Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

I have been keeping in touch somewhat, updating, but with no pictures. So not too exciting. I finally got some free time and I'm going to put a bunch of pictures up of my girls.

First is my Green Poison plant. The crystals started appearing a few days to a week ago. It has a very pleasant and strong fruity smell to it. It is sitting at 14 3/4 inches tall, and 14 inches wide. Pretty happy with this plant. She is 63 days old from seed. I'm thinking she will be done in 2-3 weeks.

Next is my random seed plant, known as R1. It is at a good 19 3/4 inches tall, but an odd 6 inches wide. Buds having really gotten too dense, no crystals forming yet. It was an overall odd plant it's whole life. Smells like typical dank, skunky. She is 61 days old from seed, and I have no idea how long she is going to take.

Lastly is my newest girl named Bonnie. Another random seed plant. She is already showing her sex and is staying small, seems like a good plant to grow in my small area. She is sitting at 4 inches tall and 5 1/4 inches wide. I am going to fill the pot up more though so she will be losing some height. She is 20 days old from seed.

I'm awaiting to get more lights, and a good microscope. I am also germing an AK-48 seed that was giving to me, and should be planting it in a few days.

Thanks to you who are following so far,


Well-Known Member

Well not a lot of people say much on my thread, but I do have a question so if you could speak up I would really appreciate it.

I obviously know my plant is not ready yet, and I don't have a microscope to check the trichs. This is the best picture I could get with my phone camera, can you tell me what you think. They look clear to cloudy to me.

And here is just a picture of the cola I took for the fun of it, thought I'd throw it up.

Thnks for following,


Active Member
its hard to tell from the pic my friend but it looks good. i dont have a microscope either but i hear radioshack carrys them. ill be picking one up in the next few days seeing as my plants are starting to produce trichomes yesterday. im growing kolossus, ko kush x starkush, and 1 bagseed and its odd that my bagseed is doing the same as yours. buds not densing up and looking airy. i have 66.46 watts per sq ft of space so more than optimal and still it will not dense up. im 21 days into 12/12 in hydro and i have 15 plants. vegged till 9 inches and they are now over 2 ft tall


Active Member
Hi Ben,

All looking good for the closet grow dude. I remember those good ol' days with the CFls! Hard to say from the camera pic if its ready. Get a jewellers magnifying glass ($5 off amazon/ebay) or a microscope if you havent one, and a white light source (a white led headtorch is fine, or the sun!) and you will see the clear, cloudy and amber trichs. Up to you when that baby is ready (~30% amber trichs, >50% cloudy?)

Peace dude.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm going to try to run somewhere and get a scope, maybe I can find something around the house. And I for sure like way more amber, love the couchlock, geekin feeling.