400w clost grow


I was going to ask which seed company but I don't even need to, that's attitude.

Good luck man yours will probably arrive before mine, I am on my second attempt now. I don't really need seeds as I have a lot from herbies that I could grow out for many future grows but it would be nice to have more selection. I will have to make an order again in July or August probably as well (winter), because I want to get at least 3 different types of Sativa to grow for next outdoor season, have to many Indica/Sativa hybrids at the moment, want some straight up Sativa and maybe 1 Sativa/Indica hybrid.

If you do get yours before mine arrive ill cry, but happy for you. I ordered nearly $250 worth of seeds so yer its a little frustrating they didn't make it first time, placed the order back on the 9th December, over 1 month now...apparently my package just disappeared. My friend in England called the Australian customs and pretended he was the one that sent it and asked why it had not arrived, they said that it was not in customs so he called Australia post and they said they did not have it, so if that's just customs confiscating and not saying (they usually send a letter), or because of Christmas New years it just got misplaced who knows.


Well-Known Member
I was going to ask which seed company but I don't even need to, that's attitude.

Good luck man yours will probably arrive before mine, I am on my second attempt now. I don't really need seeds as I have a lot from herbies that I could grow out for many future grows but it would be nice to have more selection. I will have to make an order again in July or August probably as well (winter), because I want to get at least 3 different types of Sativa to grow for next outdoor season, have to many Indica/Sativa hybrids at the moment, want some straight up Sativa and maybe 1 Sativa/Indica hybrid.

If you do get yours before mine arrive ill cry, but happy for you. I ordered nearly $250 worth of seeds so yer its a little frustrating they didn't make it first time, placed the order back on the 9th December, over 1 month now...apparently my package just disappeared. My friend in England called the Australian customs and pretended he was the one that sent it and asked why it had not arrived, they said that it was not in customs so he called Australia post and they said they did not have it, so if that's just customs confiscating and not saying (they usually send a letter), or because of Christmas New years it just got misplaced who knows.
Thanx matt I just hope they get here not in a big hurry I for them
don't have room for a new grow yet. I have the new veg cab im going
to use just have to set the lights up n fans see wat the temp r in there.
My flowering cab is a little behind I still have to make some doors for it.

I want to try the skunk outside i cant wait for my first outdoors urs looks great by the way
Hope u get ur order soon I would be going crazy if I was u emailing saying wtf!
that's to much $ for me to lose. wat sativa r going to try I like sativas but cant
handle the stretch n long flowering time.


Since I will be growing again later this year after the winter with a little more pre-planning and thought I will probably have much more easy transition to outside, without the sweltering heat of summer and overpowering light of the sun causing the issues I have had so far (light burn).

My plan is to germinate inside around the second month of spring, and then grow for 2-3 weeks under CFLs. After this I will move outside with about 3-4 weeks left of spring, this will give me a rough veg time of about 3-4 months this time round before moving into flower during the autumn. I am hoping not for some massive trees as that would not be ideal but instead some bushes that are capable of producing hopefully about 1/2-1 pound all up, although I realize that is very optimistic and depends on the strain.

My Sativa picks are going to be

Frisian Dew
OG Kush
Super Silver Haze (not sure on this one as she grows tall outside, resulting in a lot of work cropping and training).
Durban Poison
Jack Herer
Sour Diesel

Obviously I have to short list these down a bit, most important is ability to grow without to much tending or training, I don't like to spend more than 5 minutes in my outdoor grow location every few days. I will research these picks further and see what I come up with, no rush at the moment as it is still summer here till February, so a good six months before looking at next years outdoor grow. Probably fit two-three hydro grows into that time, if I'm doing them from clone, which I probably will be.


Well-Known Member
I think im getting a jack herer I have a true OG going on rite now just don't know which one it is lol.
I always wanted to try kushberry maybe after my next grow.

Ok so its day 20 of 12/12 jelly n butter r looking good but i don't think im going to get much
baby is out of hand i only have 10 more inches to lift up the lights then wat? to late to top or LST.
first two shots r jelly then tall baby,butter,n group shot enjoy.



Well-Known Member
thanx cd n how do u post big pic I always the small shit
They are lookin' goo Tito.

I found that Google Chrome instead if IE gives added features to display big pictures. You can quickly post different sized picture by inserting with the 'insert inline' button in 'manage attachments'. The picture will appear between the text instead of at the bottom. Then, after it is inserted double click on it and another menu comes up with other selections including size.

An example using Google Chrome:

(Doubled clicked and set to medium)


they r growing but now the leaves on one are rolling up like tacos lol help!!!!
random post.

Titom looking good, my soil grow is also stretching outside but I have plenty of time to train them, bout a month and a half before Autumn, not sure how long into Autumn they will start to flower, just have to wait and see, shorter days start they will transition. Should be well aware of sex by then and see how many males/females I have. You really need to start that training early otherwise you get stretchy monsters like yours, haha


Well-Known Member
thanx muckyd

I think im going to have to bend baby. she just wont stop growing
I still have room but I don't want to have to prop up my other plants.
I already have them on small boxes. ill post a pic soon.


Hope you don't mind me posting photo titom but have question for you since your growing in soil and its been a long while since I grew Cannabis. This is my soil grow outside, it is now roughly about 2-3 weeks from seed, they are about 1-2 foot high over the 3 different plants. As you can see from the tree above them I have about 3-5 feet of space left for them to grow, any more than that they will be a little less stealthy from frontal view than what I would like (although I doubt anyone could spot them unless they were specifically looking directly at where they are).

I know flowering starts to occur in Australia from mid to later summer to autumn depending on your location and the hours of the day, so I believe I will have anywhere from 1 to 2 months max of veg left, more closer on the one month side I believe. I have topped them once already each and they are indica based plants so don't have as much stretch as a Sativa.

Do you think they will reach that 3-5 feet mark without any LST in that time or likely to stay under it?

Whats your opinion on topping the plant again once more, would that be to short a time since ill probably have to wait two weeks before I top them again (not enough growth) or just let them grow all natural.



Well-Known Member
I don't mind at all they look a lot better I don't know if I can
help u much as I have never grown outdoors but if it was me
I would top them again just to be safe n no need for lst(maybe?)

I think I over did it just a little but I don't think it will be much of

a deal.




Its going to drop your yields a bit cause the energy that would have gone into those flowering sites is going to have to head to that stem snap a bit. But yeh I don't think it will be a big deal. Don't worry about the help I looked at the yearly sun time table for my city and worked out when the days would be getting shorter and it actually drops down to about 13-12 hours halfway through next month so I envision a flower period starting to happen around mid February, done by mid April.

Doubt that they will get more than a few feet higher in that time, so even if they happened to double in size its only going to be around 4foot max.

Yeh, all the top growth is looking nice now, they are going to get another shock tonight though its 100+ now and winds are expected to blow out this heat wave and drop the temps to around 60 overnight, massive temperature change, so we will have to see how they take that. Sure they will feel a bit of respite from all these hot days, although in some ways I think it has encouraged growth.

How much do you think you will get out of your 3 plants this harvest?

I am hoping for females and then at least an ounce or so from each girl would be nice, so will have to wait and see what happens. Next spring I'm going to grow some plants from October (perhaps 6) for about a month inside from clone (1-2 foot), then move outside in November (3 1/2 months of veg). I want to have big bushy plants next year so I can perhaps get 10-20oz at least off each plant, that would be an amazing result for me. If I have 6 fem clones at that time to move outside id be looking at between 60-120 ounces perhaps if the girls didn't hermie get eaten, ripped off, weather damage etc etc I know its impossible to guess at yields but that would be in a perfect scenario.


Well-Known Member
Im not to worried about the yield as its for personal use I am hoping for
an oz each r close to that I don't have a scale.
Sound like u have it all thought out cant wait to see it
I want to learn a few tricks of growing outdoor as I plan
on doing a first outdoor grow with some of the freebees
I don't have that much stealth out side in my back yard
so short n bushy is my plan too. I don't think ill get that
much but if I get 3 r 4 oz each it would be great.


Outdoor gives way higher yields if done right, nothing like Mother Nature.

similar to inside soil, apart from if your planting in the ground then you obviously need to prepare the soil. For your situation I would advise pit though, easy to move or hide should the need arise, in the ground has benefits (size/yield). But you can still get a good 2-10 ounces from a potted plant if done right.

Once your closer to it we can chat about it and I'll answer any questions I can, growing outside is actually very simple.


Well-Known Member
Outdoor gives way higher yields if done right, nothing like Mother Nature.

similar to inside soil, apart from if your planting in the ground then you obviously need to prepare the soil. For your situation I would advise pit though, easy to move or hide should the need arise, in the ground has benefits (size/yield). But you can still get a good 2-10 ounces from a potted plant if done right.

Once your closer to it we can chat about it and I'll answer any questions I can, growing outside is actually very simple.
I agree 100% nothing like mother nature.
I don't think baby took It hard she is already looking better.


Well-Known Member
I don't mind at all they look a lot better I don't know if I can
help u much as I have never grown outdoors but if it was me
I would top them again just to be safe n no need for lst(maybe?)

I think I over did it just a little but I don't think it will be much of

a deal.

They are looking nice TitoM. If you don't hold that bend in place with something like wire or some even use duct tape it will straighten back up to almost where it was before. I do not believe you will lose any weight doing it at this age. I had to supercrop mine after stretch and they sort of recovered and didn't go much for 3 or 4 days but now the blooms are growing like crazy. Some say that supercropping strengthens the stem and can give you more bud.



Well-Known Member
thanx cd and matt she has a great smell to her its very fruity
I guess I didn't post pic of butter she has more of of of idk
kushy smell lol great smell .


